

JCCCvideo (videos of May 2017)

source: JCCCvideo
2:02 JCNN Campus Craze 2017 The JCNN Roving reporters throw themselves into the mix at Campus Craze 2017 and ask on behalf of the new incoming freshmen, "what do I need to succeed?"
For more information on this and other hap...
2:05:54 JCCC Board of Trustees Meeting for May 11, 2017
1:07:11 Campus Safety Town Hall: May 2, 2017 Emergency Preparedness Manager, Alisa Pacer, goes over the Conceal Carry Weapons Policy for Johnson County Community College, the emergency door locks pilot program, and the upgrades to the college...
2:37 Johnson County Community College Model United Nations: Join Today! Join the award winning Model United Nations team at Johnson County Community College! Visit us at blogs.jccc.edu/mun
For more information on this and other happenings at the college, visit http://...
2:14:06 JCCC Board of Trustees Meeting for April 20, 2017

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