

Introduction to Socrates

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source: Academy of Ideas     2013年3月23日
In the first lecture of this 3 part series we look at the Socratic problem, which is the problem as to whether we can arrive at knowledge of the historical Socrates. In the final two lectures we examine the life and ideas of Socrates.
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Recommended Readings:
Socrates A Life Examined - Luis Navia - http://amzn.to/1TKy3HZ (affiliate link)
For more videos, video transcripts, and more, visit: http://academyofideas.com/ 

Socrates: The Socratic Problem 10:28  In this lecture we investigate what is known as the Socratic problem, which is the problem as to whether we can arrive at knowledge of the historical Socrates, or whether he will always remain nothing but a work of fiction. We also look at the Socrates of Plato's dialogues, and consider the question as to whether Plato was using Socrates as a mouthpiece for his own views, or espousing the actual ideas of the real Socrates.
Socrates: The Man and His Life 8:34 In this lecture we investigate the life of Socrates. In particular, we look at two monumental events in his life: his encounter with the oracle at Delphi which pronounced him to be the wisest of all men, and his trial and subsequent execution.
The Ideas of Socrates 10:56 In this lecture we examine the ideas of Socrates. We look at his exhortation to 'care for your soul', his conviction that knowledge of virtue is necessary to become virtuous, his belief that all evil acts are committed out of ignorance and hence involuntarily, and finally his presumption that committing an injustice is far worse than suffering an injustice.

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