The Right Stuff: Information, Privacy and the Ethics of Disclosure - Dr Gwen Adshead Personal information is understood as the property of individuals, especially in the domain of health care and no information can be disclosed without permission of its 'owner'. This way of thinkin...
'All Must Have Prizes': Citizen Science and the Environment - Professor Carolyn Roberts Prior to the twentieth century, most environmental observations such as rainfall amounts and air temperatures were made by lay observers with interest and time on their hands. Later on, such measur...
Queen Elizabeth II - Professor Vernon Bogdanor FBA CBE The reign of Elizabeth II has been the longest in British history. has coincided with the transformation of the mystical monarch...
What is Noise? Beauty and Taste in Twentieth Century Music - Dr Toby Young Since the premiere of John Cages infamous silent work 433, scholars have been fascinated by the question of what noise is, how it differs from music, and whether it can ever be beautiful. Drawing o...
The Poetry of Emily Dickinson: Metaphor and its Philosophical Mysteries - Professor Belinda Jack Metaphor has more to it than we may imagine. philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstei...
Is Matter Evil? Philip Pullman's Dark Materials Trilogy - Professor Alister McGrath One of the great theological debates in the early church arose from Gnosticism. was movement in late antiquity which held that the m...
'Two Point One Children': Why There Is No Typical Family in the Family Court - Professor Jo Delahunt This lecture will explore vulnerable parties and children in the Family Court.
Making Software 'Correct by Construction' - Professor Martyn Thomas CBE Is it possible to build software so that you know that it is correct? How could this be done? Has anyone tried? What would it cost?
The External Financing Position - Professor Jagjit Chadha For most of the period since we have had records, the UK has held a positive net international investment positions versus the rest of the world. But the UK is now a net debtor versus the rest of t...
The Gospel of Apartheid - Professor Alec Ryrie South Africas Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) and the Afrikaner people it served had, since the 17th century drawn a distinction between white Christians and the apparently unconvertible heathen people...
Energetic Mathematics - Professor Chris Budd The annual consumption of electricity in the UK is 300 TWh is supplied over a complex network starting, usually, with power b...
The Eradication of Infectious Diseases - Professor Christopher Whitty Eradicating an infectious disease for all time is one of the greatest gifts a generation can give to all subsequent ones.
The Offspring of Semi-Female Mimics in Ruffs - Professor Steve Jones A question from the lecture 'Cheats, Liars and Fornicators: The Hidden Face of Mother Nature' by Professor Steve Jones
King George VI - Professor Vernon Bogdanor George VI was the unexpected king. As the second son of George V, he had no reason to believe, until less than a month before his acce...
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