

初等有限元素法--楊子儀 / 交大

# 播放清單 (可按影片右上角清單標誌選取影片)

source: NCTU OCW    2017年5月30日
To help the students understand the fundamental theory of the finite element method and its application to analyzing problems.
授課教師:土木工程學系 楊子儀老師
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

Lec0 22 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (3/5) 32:30
Lec0 20 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (1/5) 40:59
Lec0 17 Chapter 9 Principle of Minimum Total Potential Energy (2/2) 30:14
Lec0 31 Chapter 14 Variational Method for One-Dimensional FE Formulation (2/2) 45:54
Lec0 26 Chapter 12 Weighted Residual Methods (2/3) 30:22
Lec0 01 課程介紹 9:28
Lec0 19 Chapter 10 Isoparametric Formulation and Numerical Integration (2/2) 34:40
Lec0 23 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (4/5) 29:02
Lec0 03 Chapter 2 Matrix Algebra (1/2) 1:25:05
Lec0 28 Chapter 13 Finite Element Formulation (1/2) 1:17:05
Lec0 06 Chapter 3 Direct Approach: Axial Springs (2/2) 41:48
Lec0 18 Chapter 10 Isoparametric Formulation and Numerical Integration (1/2) 1:08:37
Lec0 07 Chapter 4 Direct Approach: Bar Structures (1/2) 38:26
Lec0 10 Chapter 5 Direct Approach: Truss Analysis (2/2) 43:23
Lec0 24 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (5/5) 27:14
Lec0 05 Chapter 3 Direct Approach: Axial Springs (1/2) 45:45
Lec0 29 Chapter 13 Finite Element Formulation (2/2) 37:12
Lec0 30 Chapter 14 Variational Method for One-Dimensional FE Formulation (1/2) 37:04
Lec0 32 Chapter 15 Guidelines for Finite Element Mesh and Global Nodal Numbering 52:27
Lec0 02 Chapter 1 Introduction 1:21:15
Lec0 04 Chapter 2 Matrix Algebra (2/2) 37:01
Lec0 14 Chapter 8 Beam and Frame Analysis (2/3) 1:21:16
Lec0 21 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (2/5) 21:25
Lec0 11 Chapter 6 Approximating Functions: One-Dimensional Element 1:21:11
Lec0 27 Chapter 12 Weighted Residual Methods (3/3) 37:29
Lec0 13 Chapter 8 Beam and Frame Analysis (1/3) 1:24:09
Lec0 08 Chapter 4 Direct Approach: Bar Structures (2/2) 36:37
Lec0 15 Chapter 8 Beam and Frame Analysis (3/3) 35:41
Lec0 09 Chapter 5 Direct Approach: Truss Analysis (1/2) 1:13:55
Lec0 16 Chapter 9 Principle of Minimum Total Potential Energy (1/2) 1:11:18
Lec0 25 Chapter 12 Weighted Residual Methods (1/3) 44:30
Lec0 12 Chapter 7 Convergence Criteria 48:47

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