

Algebraic Quantum Field Theory -- the first 50 Years

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source: It's so blatant    2013年10月7日
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory -- the first 50 Years
Satellite Conference of the International Congress on Mathematical Physics 2009 in Prague.

Fifty years after the seminal paper, written by Rudolf Haag in Göttingen, appeared in the Lille proceedings, Algebraic Quantum Field Theory has accumulated a wealth of celebrated insights. Recent developments have opened new and promising perspectives. The conference provides an overview of the many modern facets of this approach.
Conference homepage: http://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/aqf
Source of videos: http://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/aufzeichnungen/AQFT50/

Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Rudolf Haag 1:07:14
Local Algebras: A look back at the early years and at some successes and missed opportunities. Slides used in the talk: http://www.lqp.uni-goettingen.de/lqp/...
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Klaus Fredenhagen 1:19:34
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Sergio Doplicher 1:11:23
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Jakob Yngvason 1:10:43
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by John E. Roberts 49:17
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Roberto Longo 1:05:45
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by David E. Evans 1:02:17
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Daniele Guido 47:17
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Gandalf Lechner 59:23
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Stephen J. Summers 57:48
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Robert M. Wald 1:09:06
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Rainer Verch 58:34
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Stefan Hollands 1:10:11
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Chris J. Fewster  1:04:11
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Romeo Brunetti 57:53
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Valter Moretti 1:08:01

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