

A Mathematical Tribute to Ennio De Giorgi

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source: SNS Channel Mathematical and Natural Sciences   2016年10月20日
A Mathematical Tribute to Ennio De Giorgi
SLIDES of the talks given are available in the Documents section.
Mon 19 Sep 13:00- 14:30 Registration Palazzo dei Congressi
14:30- 15:00 Welcome addresses by L. Ambrosio, A. Leaci, L. Modica, S. Marmi Palazzo dei Congressi
15:00- 15:55 Lions , Pierre Louis
"Interfaces, junctions and stratification: a viscosity solutions approach" Palazzo dei Congressi
16:00- 16:40 Coffee break Palazzo dei Congressi
16:40- 17:35 Buttazzo, Giuseppe
"Worst-case shape optimization problems for the Dirichlet energy" Palazzo dei Congressi
Tue 20 Sep 9:00- 9:55 Honsell, Furio
"Implementing Cantor’s paradise in constructive type theory" Palazzo dei Congressi
10:00- 10:55 De Lellis, Camillo
"Min-max methods for surfaces with boundary" Palazzo dei Congressi
11:00- 11:45 Coffee break Palazzo dei Congressi
11:45- 12:40 Savaré, Giuseppe
"The Hellinger-Kantorovich distance between positive measures and Optimal Entropy-Transport problems" Palazzo dei Congressi
12:40- 14:30 Lunch break at Palazzo dei Congressi Palazzo dei Congressi
14:30- 15:25 Di Benedetto , Emmanuele
"A Wiener-type condition for bound- ary continuity of quasi-minima of variational integrals" Palazzo dei Congressi
15:30- 16:00 Coffee break Palazzo dei Congressi
16:00- 16:55 D'Ancona, Piero
"Global existence of small equiv- ariant wave maps on rotationally symmetric manifolds" Palazzo dei Congressi
17:00- 17:15 Nirenberg, Louis
"---" Palazzo dei Congressi
17:20- 17:50 Selected chapters from Michele Emmer's interview to Ennio De Giorgi Palazzo dei Congressi
Wed 21 Sep 9:00- 9:55 Mosco , Umberto
"Beyond perimeters, between discrete and continuous structures" Palazzo dei Congressi
10:00- 10:55 Wenger, Stefan
"“Plateau’s problem in metric spaces and applications”" Palazzo dei Congressi
11:00- 11:45 Coffee break Palazzo dei Congressi
11:45- 12:40 Braides, Andrea
"Homogenization of geometric flows on lattices" Palazzo dei Congressi
12:40- 14:30 Lunch break at Palazzo dei Congressi Palazzo dei Congressi
14:30- 15:25 Brezis, Haim
"Another triumph for De Giorgi’s Gamma convergence" Palazzo dei Congressi
15:30- 16:00 Coffee break Palazzo dei Congressi
16:00- 16:55 Fusco, Nicola
"Stability results for the sharp interface Ohta-Kawasaki energy and for the Hell-Shaw flow" Palazzo dei Congressi
Thu 22 Sep 9:00- 9:55 Gigli, Nicola
"Spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below: state of the art and future challenges." Palazzo dei Congressi
10:00- 10:55 Fonseca, Irene
"Epitaxially Strained Elastic Films: Quantum Dots and Dislocations" Palazzo dei Congressi
11:00- 11:45 Coffee break Palazzo dei Congressi
11:45- 12:40 Figalli, Alessio
"Free boundary regularity in the parabolic fractional obstacle problem" Palazzo dei Congressi
12:40- 14:30 Lunch break at Palazzo dei Congressi Palazzo dei Congressi
14:30- 15:25 Kinderlehrer , David
"The gradient flow of microstructure" Palazzo dei Congressi
15:30- 16:00 Coffee break Palazzo dei Congressi
17:00- 17:55 Fleming , Wendell H.
"De Giorgi and Geometric Measure Theory (text read by T. Zolezzi)" Palazzo dei Congressi
Fri 23 Sep 9:00- 9:55 Otto, Felix
"The thresholding scheme for mean curvature flow" Palazzo dei Congressi
10:00- 10:55 Cabré, Xavier
"The saddle-shaped solution to the Allen-Cahn equation and a conjecture of De Giorgi" Palazzo dei Congressi
11:00- 11:45 Coffee break Palazzo dei Congressi
11:45- 12:40 Mingione, Giuseppe
"Recent progresses in nonlinear potential theory" Palazzo dei Congressi
Aims On the occasion of the vigintennial of Ennio De Giorgi's departure, the meeting gathers many generations of mathematicians and aims at the presentation of the most recent advances in the many research fields marked by De Giorgi's contributions.
Registration: (expired) All mathematicians who are willing to take part in the event are warmly welcome. We emphasize, though, that for organisational reasons THEY MUST REGISTER in the Registration section below.
Duration The meeting will start in the afternoon on 19th September and will end on 23rd September at lunch.

Welcome addresses - 19 september 2016 41:06 by L. Ambrosio, A. Leaci, L. Modica, S. Marmi -
Pierre Louis Lions - 19 September 2016 40:01
Giuseppe Buttazzo - 19 September 2016 45:39
Furio Honsell - 20 September 2016 1:03:57
Camillo De Lellis - 20 September 2016 56:50
Giuseppe Savaré - 20 September 2016 51:40
Emanuele Di Benedetto - 20 September 2016 43:51
Piero D'Ancona - 20 September 2016 49:36
Louis Nirenberg - 20 September 2016 5:50
Michele Emmer - 20 September 2016 42:15
Umberto Mosco - 21 September 2016 50:16
Stefan Wenger - 21 September 2016 53:26
Andrea Braides - 21 September 2016 56:22
Haim Brezis - 21 September 2016 1:19:18
Nicola Fusco - 21 September 2016 50:13
Nicol Gigli - 22 September 2016 59:48
Irene Fonseca - 22 September 2016 48:46
Alessio Figalli - 22 September 2016 1:00:34
David Kinderlehrer - 22 September 2016 38:32
Felix Otto - 23 September 2016 53:08
Xavier Cabré - 23 September 2016 1:05:05
Giuseppe Mingione - 23 September 2016 1:02:05

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