

9th FCC-ee Physics Workshop (3-5 February 2015)

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source: SNS Channel Mathematical and Natural Sciences    2015年3月10日
This is the 9th in the series of FCCee/TLEP-related workshops. It follows on from the successful 8th TLEP workshop that took place in Paris on 27-29 October 2014, and the FCC kick-off meeting held on 12-15 February 2014 at University of Geneva.
The workshop is open to all FCC-ee /TLEP design study members, and more generally to all interested in a precision Z, W, H, top factory. The focus will be on physics and experiments at the FCC-ee, but a more general session is organized the first day (Tuesday 3 February afternoon) with presentations about the FCC design study as a whole, and on machine and physics for the FCC-ee and the FCC-hh, with synergies and complementarities. This session is aimed at a larger audience, towards improving the project visibility in Italy. It will be followed by a social dinner in the evening.
The workshop starts on Tuesday at 13:30 and ends on Thursday 16:00. Registration is now open, please proceed at your earliest convenience! Please visit the FCC-ee / TLEP web site, and subscribe to the design study if you have not yet done so!
Gigi Rolandi
Roberto Tenchini
Lucia Lilli
Alain Blondel
John Ellis
Christophe Grojean
Patrick Janot
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Prof. Luigi (Gigi) Rolandi (Cern & SNS Pisa), Riccardo Barbieri (PI)
14:30 - 15:30 The FCC design study
General presentations about the design study, the machines and the physics of FCC-hh and FCC-ee, with synergies and complementarities. Aims at a wide audience to make the project better known in Italy.
14:30 The FCC project 25'
15:00 Particle physics after the Higgs boson discovery 25'
Riccardo Barbieri (PI)
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 18:05 The FCC design study
General presentations about the design study, the machines and the physics of FCC-hh and FCC-ee, with synergies and complementarities. Aims at a wide audience to make the project better known in Italy.
16:00 FCC: the 100 TeV hadron collider and the Z, W, H and top e+e- factories 30'
16:35 FCC-hh physics 25'
Guido Emilio Tonelli (PI)
17:05 FCC-ee physics 25'
John Ellis
17:35 Discussion: Italian contributions to FCC 25'
Roberto Tenchini (PI), Guido Emilio Tonelli (PI)
20:20 - 23:50 Dinner
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
08:30 - 10:00 Machine-Detector interface
Influence of the machine on the detector designs and on backgrounds in the detectors. Influence of detector constraints on the machine design.
08:30 Latest interation region layout 25'
Dr. Bernhard Holzer (CERN)
09:00 Progress in synchrotron radiation studies and tools 25'
Manuela Boscolo (LNF)
09:30 Luminometer layout studies and constraints on the IR 25'
Mogens Dam
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 12:00 Detector designs
Synergies with other projects, desired detector performance, possible designs for FCC-ee
10:30 ILC detector studies synergies with the FCCee program 25'
Ties Behnke
11:00 CLIC detector studies synergies with the FCCee program 25'
Dr. Marcel vos (IFIC - centro mixto U. Valencia/CSIC, Valencia, Spain)
11:30 High Granularity Calorimetry studies 25'
Pedro Silva
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:40 Phenomenology
Fitting the EW/Higgs/TGC precision measurements and sensitivity to new physics, with past and prospective data, in effective field theory and in specific new physics models.
14:00 Introduction and news 15'
Sven Heinemeyer
14:20 About projected theory uncertainties 15'
Aryes Freitas
14:40 Precision observables in the Standard Model: a reexamination 25'
Giuseppe Degrassi (ROMA3)
15:10 EFT analysis of Higgs and EW data 25'
Yotam Soreq
15:40 - 16:10 Coffee break
16:10 - 18:00 Phenomenology
Fitting the EW/Higgs/TGC precision measurements and sensitivity to new physics, with past and prospective data, in effective field t

Fabio Beltram - Tuesday, 3 February 2015 3:40 Welcome address
Gigi Rolandi Riccardo Barbieri, - Tuesday, 3 February 2015 1:56
Frank Zimmermann - Tuesday, 3 February 2015 40:45
Riccardo Barbieri - Tuesday, 3 February 2015 39:42
Frank Zimmermann - Tuesday, 3 February 2015 46:42
Guido Emilio Tonelli - Tuesday, 3 February 2015 30:33
John Ellis - Tuesday, 3 February 2015 45:06
Bernhard Holzer - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 23:08
Mogens Dam - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 35:05
Ties Behnke - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 50:33
Marcel Vos - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 35:08
Pedro Silva - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 35:05
Sven Heinemeyer - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 24:26
Aryes Freitas - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 27:19
Giuseppe Degrassi - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 44:58
Yotam Soreq - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 31:59
Matteo Salvarezza - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 22:53
Oleksii Matsedonskyi - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 35:21
Yotam Soreq - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 23:41
Miha Nemevsek - Tuesday, 4 February 2015 21:19
Tord Riemann - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 26:16
Carlo Michel Carloni Calame - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 28:00
Christian Schwinn - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 29:59
Markus Klute - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 14:59
Gianpiero Passarino - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 21:19
Marcel Vos - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 28:41
Stefania De Curtis - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 24:47
Patrizia Azzi - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 12:44
Emmanuelle Perez - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 27:02
Alessandro Strumia - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 30:12
Oliver Fischer - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 21:51
Alain Blondel - Tuesday, 5 February 2015 18:52

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