

數位訊號處理--林源倍 / 交大 (2017)

# 播放清單 (可按影片右上角清單標誌選取影片)

source: NCTU OCW    2017年4月14日
The course aims to provide the fundamentals of discrete time signal processing.
授課教師:電機工程學系 林源倍老師

Ch1 課程介紹 39:01
Ch2-0-1 Basic Sequence 12:11
Ch2-0-2 Discrete-Time Systems 13:51
Ch2-1 LTI 25:51
Ch2-2 Causality Stability 11:26
Ch2-3-1 Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations 8:21
Ch2-3-2 LTI Frequency Domain 38:50
Ch2-4 DTF 7:27
Ch2-5 DTFT Properties 16:40
Ch2-6 DTFT examples 7:21
Ch3-1 Z Transform ~ Part I 18:54
Ch3-2 Z Transform ~ Part II 24:01
Ch4-0-1 Sampling 44:37
Ch4-0-2 MatLab Discussion 13:28
Ch4-1 CD Converter 17:42
Ch4-2 Sampling Theorem and Reconstruction 13:24
Ch4-3 Sampling Rate Conversion~ Part I 16:22
Ch4-4 Sampling Rate Conversion~ Part II 14:03
Ch4-5 Digital pross. of CT signals 26:26
Ch4-6 Reconstruction 17:21
Ch5-1 Transform analysis of LTI ~ Part I 19:46
Ch5-2 Transform analysis of LTI ~ Part II 31:57
Ch5-3 Transform analysis of LTI ~ Part III 20:25
Ch5-4 Transform analysis of LTI ~ Part IV 33:07
Ch6-1 Structures ~ Part I 29:22
Ch6-2 Structures ~ Part II 29:08
Ch6-3 Structures ~ Part III 18:19
Ch7-1 FIR filter design using rectangular windows 41:03
Ch7-2 FIR filter design using general windows 38:14
Ch7-3 IIR filter design 36:58
Ch8-1 DFT and IDFT 47:38
Ch8-2 DFT and DFS 24:08
Ch8-3 Properties of DFT 19:29
Ch8-4 Circular Convolution 28:50
Ch9-1 FFT 55:47

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