

UNSWelearning (videos of April 2017)

source: UNSWelearning
12:49 webquit video 8b
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3:07 Accessing Your Marks and Feedback in Turnitin Video Transcript
This video will explain where to locate marks and feedback on your Turnitin Assignments.
This information is accessed through the submission box where you initially uploaded your w...
12:16 Lecture 2 Part 3
12:08 Lecture 2 Part 2
3:32 Scene 6. Rejecting treatment Part II
1:20 Scene 5. Rejecting treatment Part 1
2:30 Scene 4. Concealing information Part II
1:36 Scene 2. Daughter misinterpreting
1:04 Scene 3. Concealing information Part I
4:33 Scene 1. Resistance to interpreter
34:53 Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 9 Model Answers - Prof E. Ambikairajah Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 9 Model Answers - Electronic Whiteboard-Based Lecture - the Problem Sheet pdf file is available on http://eemedia.ee.unsw.edu.au/contents/ELEC3104/LectureN...
31:18 Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 8 Model Answers - Prof E. Ambikairajah Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 8 Model Answers - Electronic Whiteboard-Based Lecture - the Problem Sheet pdf file is available on http://eemedia.ee.unsw.edu.au/contents/ELEC3104/LectureN...
30:03 Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 7 Model Answers - Prof E. Ambikairajah Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 7 Model Answers - Electronic Whiteboard-Based Lecture - the Problem Sheet pdf file is available on http://eemedia.ee.unsw.edu.au/contents/ELEC3104/LectureN...
54:11 Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 5 Model Answers - Prof E. Ambikairajah Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 5 Model Answers - Electronic Whiteboard-Based Lecture - the Problem Sheet pdf file is available on http://eemedia.ee.unsw.edu.au/contents/ELEC3104/LectureN...
19:26 Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 4 Model Answers - Prof E. Ambikairajah Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 4 Model Answers - Electronic Whiteboard-Based Lecture - the Problem Sheet pdf file is available on http://eemedia.ee.unsw.edu.au/contents/ELEC3104/LectureN...
37:48 Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 3 Model Answers - Prof E. Ambikairajah Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 3 Model Answers - Electronic Whiteboard-Based Lecture - the Problem Sheet pdf file is available on http://eemedia.ee.unsw.edu.au/contents/ELEC3104/LectureN...
29:16 Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 2 Model Answers - Prof E. Ambikairajah Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 2 Model Answers - Electronic Whiteboard-Based Lecture - the Problem Sheet pdf file is available on http://eemedia.ee.unsw.edu.au/contents/ELEC3104/LectureN...
12:23 Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 1 Model Answers - Prof E. Ambikairajah Digital Signal Processing - Problem Sheet 1 Model Answers - Electronic Whiteboard-Based Lecture - the Problem Sheet pdf file is available on http://eemedia.ee.unsw.edu.au/contents/ELEC3104/LectureN...
1:17:23 Speaker Verification - The present and future of voiceprint based security APSIPA Distinguished Lecturer Programs. Presented by Professor Eliathamby Ambikairajah, Head of School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, UNSW Sydney, Australia
1:33:54 FE Basics
1:11:23 Buckling and Nonlinear Analysis
1:28:03 Good FE Practice

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