

The Gendering of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: A Bourdieuian Approach

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source: Graham R Gibbs   2012年6月6日
Sally Jones undertook a PhD with the title of 'The Gendering of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: A Bourdieuian Approach' which was awarded in 2011. She used concepts from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu to explore themes related to the impact of gender on the teaching and learning of enterprise in HE and its associated influence on women's desire for, or confidence in, putting this knowledge into practice. She explored the interaction of habitus, capital and field as a theoretical framework.
She was interviewed by Dawn Clarke as part of the HEA funded REQUALLO project.

Entrepreneurship, education, Bourdieu. 1: Start and theory 10:21 Part 1 looks at how she got interested in the field and how she used Bourdieu's ideas to understand what she found.
Entrepreneurship, education, Bourdieu. 2: Participants 6:45
Entrepreneurship, education, Bourdieu. 3: Data collection 17:59
Entrepreneurship, education, Bourdieu. 4: DA and transcription 7:13
Entrepreneurship, education, Bourdieu. 5: Coding 12:25
Entrepreneurship, education, Bourdieu. 6: Themes and NVivo 7:27
Entrepreneurship, education, Bourdieu. 7: Writing up 7:28

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