

Teaching Statistics and Quantitative Methods into the 21st Century (Vanderbilt University)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Vanderbilt University    2017年4月18日
Peabody College of Education and Human Development
March 24, 2017
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Camilla Benbow Intro 4:42
Joe Rodgers 21:30
Charles Reichardt 16:03
Pascal Deboeck 25:51
William Revelle 20:20
Rachel Fouladi 23:48
Michael Edwards 23:51
Jessica Flake 18:42
Eric Youngstrom 23:59
Scott Churchill 22:48
Linda McMullen 20:59
Heidi Levitt 23:08
Shane Hutton 20:43
David Rindskopf 19:14
Robert Terry 21:04
Stephen West 37:33
Leona Aiken 32:40

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