

Symplectic Geometry, Noncommutative Geometry, and Physics

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1     2014年7月22日
Videos from the MSRI workshop "Symplectic Geometry, Noncommutative Geometry, and Physics" that took place at MSRI, Berkeley in May 2010. The workshop page (with videos and some supplemental material) can be found here: http://www.msri.org/workshops/548

Motivic Donaldson-Thomas Invariants and Wall-Crossing Formulas I (Yan Soibelman @ MSRI)1:03:29 About this talk: http://www.msri.org/workshops/548/sch...
Remarks on Differential Cohomology (James Simons @ MSRI) 56:41
Lagrangian Correspondences and Holomorphic Quilts (Katrin Wehrheim @ MSRI) 1:01:06
Lagrangian Floer Theory of Toric Manifolds and Mirror Symmetry (Yong-Geun Oh @ MSRI) 1:03:02
Towards Singular Lagrangian Floer Theory (Manabu Akaho @ MSRI) 52:27
Motivic Donaldson-Thomas Invariants and Wall-Crossing Formulas II (Yan Soibelman @ MSRI) 1:05:34
Topological Field Theory and Complex Symplectic Geometry (Anton Kapustin @ MSRI) 1:06:43
A Symplectic Category - Chain Level Version and Symplectic Applications (Katrin Wehrheim @ MSRI) 57:01
Special Lagrangian Torus Fibrations and Mirror Symmetry I (Denis Auroux @ MSRI) 57:57
On Some Deformation of Fukaya Category (Hiroshige Kajiura @ MSRI) 1:05:55
Motivic Donaldson-Thomas Invariants and Wall-Crossing Formulas III (Yan Soibelman @ MSRI) 1:04:28
Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Symplectic Category (Katrin Wehrheim @ MSRI) 1:02:56
Wall Crossing as Seen by M Theory and Matrix Models (Hirosi Ooguri @ MSRI) 54:27
Special Lagrangian Torus Fibrations and Mirror Symmetry II (Denis Auroux @ MSRI) 1:01:54
Microlocal Category for a Symplectic Manifold (Dmitry Tamarkin @ MSRI) 58:01
Matrix Model Techniques in Enumerative Geometry (Bertrand Eynard @ MSRI) 51:15
Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau Correspondence (Yongbin Ruan @ MSRI) 54:56
Homotopy Algebra with Operads (Bruno Vallette @ MSRI) 1:05:37
Special Lagrangian Torus Fibrations and Mirror Symmetry III (Denis Auroux @ MSRI) 1:01:14
Wall Crossing, Quivers, and Dimers (Mina Aganagic @ MSRI) 1:08:03
Entropy of Manifolds with Reduced Holonomy (Tohru Eguchi @ MSRI) 48:47

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