

Robot Mapping (2012/13) by Cyrill Stachniss (University of Freiburg)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Cyrill Stachniss      2012年10月31日
SLAM Course - WS12/13 by Cyrill Stachniss, University of Freiburg, Germany
Lecture Recordings of my SLAM Course taught in the winter term 2012/13 at Freiburg University
Slides and Excercies at http://ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws12/mapping/
Consider the videos of the 2013/14 course as the audio quality is much better:

01 - Introduction 1:18:23
02 - Bayes Filter 51:36
03 - Kalman Filter 44:22
04 - EKF SLAM 1:40:02
05 - UKF 57:06
06 - EIF 30:34
07a - SEIF-SLAM-1 1:22:43
07b - SEIF-SLAM-2 52:17
08 - KF Wrap Up 13:48
09 - Particle Filter Intro 29:46
11 - Grid Maps 47:29
12 - Scan-Matching in 5 Min 16:08
13 - Grid-Based FastSLAM 1:16:39
14 - Least Squares 1:31:53
15 - Least Squares SLAM 1:33:44
15b - Least Squares SLAM Remarks 19:12
16 - Hierarchical Pose-Graphs 39:06
17- Least Squares SLAM with Landmarks 31:08
18 - Max-Mixture and Robust Error Minimization 46:14
19a - TORO - Part 1 46:34
19b - TORO - Part 2 57:35
20a - SLAM Frontends - Part 1 38:42
20b - SLAM Frontends - Part 2 1:00:03
21 - Short Summary and Outlook 59:22

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