

Mark Thorsby (videos of April 2017)

source: Mark Thorsby
1:06:44 Søren Kierkegaard on Truth and Subjectivity In this video, Professor Thorsby discusses a select passage on truth and subjectivity from the "Concluding Unscientific Postscript" by Søren Kierkegaard,
48:07 Moral Luck In this video, Professor Thorsby discusses the essay "Moral Luck" by Thomas Nagel.
36:40 Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit In this video, Professor Thorsby discusses GWF Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit" and the master/slave dialectic.
1:06:06 Kant's Prolegomena to a Future Metaphysics In this video, Professor Thorsby discusses several key points in Kant's metaphysics in a reading of Kant's "Prolegomena to a Future Metaphysics". Key topics include transcendental idealism, noumen...
45:44 Hare on Slavery In this video, Professor Thorsby discusses RM Hare's essay on why slavery is morally wrong.
1:26:44 David Hume's Mitigated Skepticism In this video, Professor Thorsby discusses David Hume and a selection from his "Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding." Topics discussed include the distinction between impressions and ideas, mat...
32:22 Subjectivism In this video, Professor Thorsby dis

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