

Linking Representation Theory, Singularity Theory, and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry

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source: LeonhardEuler1     2014年9月14日
Talks from the "Linking Representation Theory, Singularity Theory, and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry" workshop held at Banff in May of 2012.
The conference website, where the videos can be downloaded, can be found here:

Idun Reiten, McKay Correspondence and Higher Auslander and Preprojective Algebras 1:04:26
Wolfgang Ebeling, Mirror Symmetry Between Orbifold Curves and Cusp Singularities with Group Action 55:16
Xiao-Wu Chen, Some Irreducible Representations of Leavitt Path Algebras 39:37
Nathan Broomhead, Dimer Models and Noncommutative Crepant Resolutions 1:02:00
Hagen Meltzer, Rank-two Vector Bundles and Happel-Seidel Symmetry 39:45
Henning Krause, Koszul, Ringel, and Serre Duality for Strict Polynomial Functors 58:01
Lutz Hille, Exceptional and Spherical Modules Over the Auslander Algebra of k[T]/Tt 1:05:31
Steffen Oppermann, n-representation Infinite Algebras 1:00:47
Martin Herschend, Skew Group and Higher Preprojective Algebras 45:51
Paul Smith, The Space of Penrose Tilings as a Noncommutative Curve 55:46
Sefi Ladkani, Mutation Classes of Quivers with Constant Number of Arrows and Derived Equivalence 38:38
Ragnar Buchweitz, Maximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules and Orlov’s Theorem I 1:03:46
Hiroyuki Minamoto, Ampleness of Two-sided Tilting Complexes and Fano Algebras 1:05:40
David Favero, Variation of Geometric Invariant Theory and Derived Categories 1:03:13
Ragnar Buchweitz, Maximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules and Orlov’s Theorem II 57:41
Izuru Mori, Fixed Subalgebras, Skew Group Algebras and Endomorphism Algebras of... 13:54
Kazushi Ueda, Mirror Symmetry for K3 Surfaces and Singularities 56:52
Michael Wemyss, Cluster Tilting via Birational Geometry 41:54
Markus Schmidmeier, Operations on Arc Diagrams and Degenerations for Invariant Subspaces of... 41:02
Charles Paquette, Some Results on the Auslander-Reiten Theory for the Representations of... 33:10
Dirk Kussin, Triangle Singularities: Orlov’s Theorem and Auslander Bundles 37:14
Atsushi Takahashi, Classical Mirror Symmetry Between Orbifold Projective Lines and... 1:01:08
Lidia Angeleri Huegel, Large Tilting Modules and Quasi-coherent Sheaves 52:23
Osamu Iyama, Cluster Tilting for Cohen-Macaulay Modules 1:05:10

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