

Introductory Workshop on Algebraic Topology @ MSRI

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: LeonhardEuler1     2014年8月5日
Videos from the MSRI introductory workshop on "Algebraic Topology" that took place at MSRI, Berkeley in January 2014. The workshop page (with videos and references and exercises) can be found here: http://www.msri.org/workshops/685

Introduction to Operads (William Dwyer @ MSRI) 59:38 About this talk: http://www.msri.org/workshops/685/sch...
Goodwillie's Calculus of Functors (Michael Ching @ MSRI) 57:23
Morita Theory in Stable Homotopy Theory (Brooke Shipley @ MSRI) 1:02:01
Chromatic Redshift (John Rognes @ MSRI) 54:48
Higher Categories and Algebraic K-Theory (Andrew Blumberg @ MSRI) 58:10
Towards Explicit Models for Higher K-Theories (Christopher Douglas @ MSRI) 1:02:17
Models for Homotopical Higher Categories (Julie Bergner @ MSRI) 55:00
Computations in the Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres (Mark Behrens @ MSRI) 1:04:00
Computations in Motivic Homotopy Theory (Daniel Isaksen @ MSRI) 53:50
Views on the J-Homomorphism (Craig Westerland @ MSRI) 54:13
Local Structure of Groups and of their Classifying Spaces (Bob Oliver @ MSRI) 52:46
Equivariant Homotopy and Localization (Michael Hopkins @ MSRI) 1:03:17
Homotopy Theory of Kac-Moody Groups (Nitya Kitchloo @ MSRI) 59:57
[private video]
Representation Stability and Applications to Homological Stability (Thomas Church @ MSRI) 1:01:52
Stability of Moduli Spaces of Manifolds (Oscar Randal-Williams @ MSRI) 51:21
[private video]
Loop Groups, TQFTs, and Algebraic Geometry (Constantin Teleman @ MSRI) 1:02:15

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