

Integrability in Holography

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: LeonhardEuler1    2014年8月26日
Talks from the "Integrability in Holography" workshop held at Banff in June of 2014. The conference website, where the videos can be downloaded, can be found here: http://www.birs.ca/events/2014/5-day-workshops/14w5070/vi...

Martin Kruczenski, Wilson Loops and Minimal Area Surfaces in Hyperbolic Space 1:11:30
Jon Toledo, The Plateau Problem In AdS 1:12:04
Alexander Zhiboedov, Causality Constraints on Corrections to the Graviton Three Point Coupling 1:21:56
Vladimer Kazakov, Quantum Spectral Curve and Q-system for N=4 SYM 1:21:54
João Caetano, Three Point Functions in su(1|1) Sector of N=4 SYM at Weak Coupling 1:07:09
Grigory Sizov, Exact Slope and Interpolating Functions in ABJM Theory 1:16:37

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