

Homological Mirror Symmetry by Nick Sheridan@IAS (2013)

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source: LeonhardEuler1     2014年6月14日
A series of lectures by Nick Sheridan (Veblen Research Instructor at IAS, Princeton) on homological Mirror Symmetry. The first lecture was given on November 4, 2013, and the video can be found on the IAS website via the following link: https://video.ias.edu/hms/2013/1104-N...
This lecture consists of a broad overview of mirror symmetry as an equivalence of complex geometry of certain manifolds and the symplectic geometry of its mirror manifold. Sheridan maintained a website accompanying these lectures (with handwritten notes in pdf form), which can be found at: http://www.math.ias.edu/~nicks/HMS.html
In this lecture, he refers to a paper of Witten's in which the terminology "A-model" and "B-model" were introduced, which can be found here: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/9112056v1...
Moreover, he mentions the famous prediction regarding the number of certain rational curved of Candelas, de la Ossa, Green, and Parkes, which can be found here: http://enka.klacto.net/data/COGP.pdf
Finally, he also mentions the verification of these predictions by Givental and independently by Lian, Liu, and Yau, and below are (some of) the relevant papers:
Lian, Liu, Yau:

(Lecture 1/11) 57:42
(Lecture 2/11) 1:31:25
(Lecture 3/11) 1:25:26
(Lecture 4/11) 1:26:22
(Lecture 5/11) 1:28:59
(Lecture 6/11) 1:27:23
(Lecture 7/11) 1:32:58
(Lecture 8/11) 1:29:53
(Lecture 9/11) 1:27:07
(Lecture 10/11) 1:24:44
(Lecture 11/11) 1:32:27

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