

Gresham College (videos of April 2017)

source: GreshamCollege
0:57 What is the advantage to the flowers that are 'orchid-mimics'? - Professor Steve Jones A question from the lecture 'Cheats, Liars and Fornicators: The Hidden Face of Mother Nature' by Professor Steve Jones https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/what-is-the-advantage-to-......
0:42 An interesting fact about female swordtail fish - Professor Steve Jones A question from the lecture 'Cheats, Liars and Fornicators: The Hidden Face of Mother Nature' by Professor Steve Jones https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/an-interesting-fact-about......
2:36 To what extent did the Adventists bring stability in a changing world? - Professor Alec Ryrie A question from the lecture 'America's Advents' by Professor Alec Ryrie https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/to-what-extent-did-the-ad...
3:00 Professor Ryrie's thoughts on self-deception - Professor Alec Ryrie A question from the lecture 'America's Advents' by Professor Alec Ryrie https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/professor-ryries-thoughts...
The transcript and downloadable versions of the...
2:48 Was Miller influenced by the deism of the French Revolution - Professor Alec Ryrie A question from the lecture 'America's Advents' by Professor Alec Ryrie https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/was-miller-influenced-by-...
The transcript and downloadable...
1:32 Why is Sir Walter Scott not in popular culture today? - Dr Juliet Shields A question from the lecture 'Did Sir Walter Scott invent Scotland?' by Dr Juliet Shields https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/why-is-sir-walter-scott-n...
The transcript and do...
58:12 Expert Witnesses: a Zero-sum Game? - Professor Jo Delahunty QC The use of experts in the family courts can make a significant difference to outcomes. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/expert-witn...
The debate about the use of ex...
47:19 The Poetry of Robert Frost: The Power and Intrigue of Simile - Professor Belinda Jack Frost's line, 'I found a dimpled spider... holding up a moth like a white piece of rigid satin cloth' exploits simile. But how can a moth be like cloth? What does likening one material, the fragile...
53:04 Observing the Dark Ages - Professor Joseph Silk Long before there were stars, there was the stuff that stars are made of. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/observing-t...
This era of the universe is called the dark ages, wh...
55:06 The Environmental Challenges of MegaCities - Professor Carolyn Roberts Faced with escalating population pressure and new construction technologies, western architects are designing cities in the skies, and under the sea. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/t...
53:42 What Really Happened in Y2K? - Professor Martyn Thomas CBE As the year 2000, 'Y2K' - approached, many feared that computer programs storing year values as two-digit figures (such as 99) would cause problems. There is a widespread belief that the millennium...
54:59 Is Humanity Naturally Good? Richard Dawkins's Selfish Gene - Professor Alister McGrath One interesting area of debate concerns human identity and whether we can give a purely scientific account of human nature in terms of its physical, chemical and biological components. Or do we nee...
43:19 What Will Happen When A.I and the Internet Meet The Professions? - Professor Richard Susskind OBE an Two futures are outlined for the professions. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/what-will-h...
Both rest on technol...
1:50 The English image of Scotland prior to Sir Walter Scott's writing - Dr Juliet Shields A question from the lecture 'Did Sir Walter Scott invent Scotland?' by Dr Juliet Shields https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/the-english-image-of-scot...
The trans...

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