

Gregory B. Sadler (videos of April 2017)

source: Gregory B. Sadler
12:07 Aristotle on Qualities, Relations, and Knowledge (Categories, c. 8) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his discussion in chapter 8 of whether knowledge - both in general and as specific types of knowledge - are best understood as f...
24:42 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Spirit, sec. 438) In this 177th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we begin our study of a major section of the work, "Spirit". I read and comment on paragraph ...
49:19 April 2017 Webinar - Aristotle on Types of Friendship This is the second in a series of new 45-minute Webinars developed and hosted by ReasonIO. In this webinar, I introduce the participants to some of the main features of Aristotle's
We focus spec...
1:33:09 Anne McCaffrey's World of Pern - Worlds of Speculative Fiction (lecture 16) This is the sixteenth session in a series of monthly lectures and discussions, which started in 2016 and continue through 2017, hosted by the Brookfield Public Library. In this session, we focus ...
1:31:00 Tarulli and Sadler - Talking Music, Education, Rhetoric, and Philosophy Recently, while I was in New Hampshire for a conference, I hung out with professional guitarist, professor, and good friend Scott Tarulli, who came up from Boston. We recorded a conversation in wh...
10:11 Qualities and Contraries (Categories, c. 8) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his discussion in chapter 8 focused on qualities and contraries.
Gregory B. Sadler is the president and co-founder of ReasonIO....
10:39 Aristotle on Forms and Figures as Qualities (Categories, c.8) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his discussion in chapter 8 of one particular class of qualities, namely forms and figures or things.
Gregory B. Sadler is the ...
24:49 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - Reason as Testing Laws, sec. 437) In this 176th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we conclude our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
32:32 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - Reason as Testing Laws, sec. 434-436) In this 175th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
13:23 Aristotle on Passive Qualities and Passions (Categories, c.8) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his discussion in chapter 8 of one particular class of qualities, namely passive qualities and passions.
Gregory B. Sadler is t...
28:18 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - Reason as Testing Laws, sec. 431-433) In this 174th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
13:08 Aristotle on Natural Capacity as Quality (Categories, c.8) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his discussion in chapter 8 of one particular class of qualities, namely "natural capacities"
Gregory B. Sadler is the presiden...
31:20 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - Reason as Testing Laws, sec. 429-430) In this 173rd video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
17:31 Aristotle on Qualities, Habits, and Dispositions (Categories, c.8) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his discussion in chapter 8 of one particular class of qualities, namely habits and dispositions
Gregory B. Sadler is the presi...
26:47 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - Reason as Lawgiver, sec. 426-428) In this 172th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
32:04 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - Reason as Lawgiver, sec. 425) In this 171th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
3:11 Aristotle on Types of Friendship - ReasonIO Online Events in April 2017 We have three great online events in April focused on Aristotle's classic treatment of friendship and relationships in Nicomachean Ethics books 8-9!
Tuesday, April 25, 12 PM CDT - FREE 45-minute W...
4:00 Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics - A ReasonIO Academy Class Interested in studying Aristotle at your own pace with a scholar who has studied, taught, and written about his works for decades?
We are now offering a two-course series on Aristotle's Nicomach...
16:09 Dr. Sadler's Channel Updates - April 2017 In this update, I talk about some of the projects, talks, and activities I've got planned for April 2017, and what took place in March 2017.
Links to some of the projects/events discussed in the v...
1:12:10 Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia - Women You Should Read This is the first session in a new quarterly series, hosted by the Shorewood Public Library, focused upon women thinkers whose works are sometimes overlooked, but are particularly worth reading. T...
14:07 Aristotle on The Category of Quality (Categories, c.8) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his discussion in chapter 8 of the category of quality (to poion), one of the most important of the categories of predication
27:18 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - Reason as Lawgiver, sec. 424) In this 170th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...

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