

Geometric Scattering Theory and Applications (2014)

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source: LeonhardEuler1     2014年11月11日
Talks from the "Geometric Scattering Theory and Applications" workshop held at Banff in November of 2014.
The conference website, where the videos can be downloaded, can be found here:

David Sher, Analytic Torsion on Manifolds with Cusps 43:30
Eugenie Hunsicker, A Hodge Theorem for Intersection Space Cohomology 42:02
Frederic Rochon, An Index Theorem via Resolvent Estimates 40:59
Jesse Gell-Redman, The Feynman Propagator on Asymptotically Minkowski Spaces 44:06
Pierre Albin, Fibered Cusp Degeneration and a Cheeger-Muller Theorem 43:49
A. Rod Gover, Boundary Operators on Conformally Compact Manifolds, and a Boundary... 44:14
Alex Strohmaier, Hahn Holomorphic Functions in Scattering and Low Energy Expansions 42:35
Anda Degeratu, QAC Spaces 40:35
András Vasy, Non-elliptic Fredholm Problems 46:52
Andrew Hassell, Resolvent, Spectral Measure, Spectral Multipliers and Strichartz Estimates... 51:51
Antonio Sa Barreto, Inverse Problem on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds with Partial Data 48:04
Austin Ford, The Diffractive Wave Trace on Conic Manifolds 41:47
Chris Kottke, Gluing Monopoles at Infinity 49:59
David Borthwick, Symmetry Factorization of Selberg Zeta Functions and Distributions of Resonances 43:07
Dean Baskin, Asymptotics of Scalar Waves on Long-range Asymptotically Minkowski Spaces 40:52
Dietrich Häfner, Asymptotic Completeness for Superradiant Klein-Gordon Equations and... 36:56
Frederic Naud, Sharp Resonances on Hyperbolic Manifolds 38:31
Gerardo Mendoza, Elliptic Operators of Variable Order 38:25
Jeffrey Galkowski, Distribution of Resonances for Scattering by Thin Barriers 46:24
Jeremy Marzuola, Dispersive Estimates for Schrödinger Operators with Potential on H^d 37:29
Matti Lassas, Scattering Problems and the Inverse Problems for Non-linear Wave Equations 51:34
Maxime Ingremeau, Distorted Plane Waves in Chaotic Scattering 37:37
Peter Perry, Open Problem Session 8:36
Semyon Dyatlov, A Microlocal Toolbox for Hyperbolic Dynamics 43:30
Shu Nakamura, Microlocal Properties for Scattering Matrices 41:20
Spyros Alexakis, Global Uniqueness Theorems and Decay Properties for Linear and Nonlinear Waves 40:27
Suresh Eswarathasan, Perturbations of the Schrödinger Equation on Negatively Curved Surfaces 43:27
Tanya Christiansen, Resonances in Even-dimensional Euclidean Scattering 46:11
Werner Müller, Analytic Torsion of Locally Symmetric Spaces of Finite Volume 51:08
Xuwen Zhu, Resolution of the Canonical Fiber Metrics for a Lefschetz Fibration 33:59

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