

Geometric Representation Theory

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source: LeonhardEuler1   2014年9月23日
Videos from the MSRI introductory workshop on "Geometric Representation Theory" that took place at MSRI, Berkeley in September 2014. The workshop page (with videos and references and exercises) can be found here: http://www.msri.org/workshops/707

Thomas Hales, Introduction to the Langlands Program and the Fundamental Lemma I 58:43
Dima Arinkin, The Geometric Langlands Correspondence I 56:22
Edward Frenkel, Gauge Theory and Langlands Duality I 58:05
Victor Ginzburg, Geometry of Quiver Varieties I 59:22
Olivier Schiffmann, Quivers, Curves, Kac Polynomials, and the Number of Stable Higgs Bundles I 1:06:18
Thomas Hales, Introduction to the Langlands Program and the Fundamental Lemma II 58:00
Dima Arinkin, The Geometric Langlands Correspondence II 58:13
Pramod Achar, The Springer Correspondence I 53:59
Victor Ginzburg, Geometry of Quiver Varieties II 1:04:48
Olivier Schiffmann, Quivers, Curves, Kac Polynomials and the Number of Stable Higgs Bundles II 1:01:06
Thomas Hales, Introduction to the Langlands Program and the Fundamental Lemma III 1:01:58
Pramod Achar, The Springer Correspondence II 1:00:13
Edward Frenkel, Gauge Theory and Langlands Duality II 1:13:40
Victor Ginzburg, Geometry of Quiver Varieties III 1:06:59
Nicholas Proudfoot, Quantizations of Symplectic Resolutions I 1:05:01
Dima Arinkin, The Geometric Langlands Correspondence III 1:02:46
Pramod Achar, The Springer Correspondence III 56:36
Nicholas Proudfoot, Quantizations of Symplectic Resolutions II 55:58
Olivier Schiffmann, Quivers, Curves, Kac Polynomials and the Number of Stable Higgs Bundles III 1:02:51
Paul Baum, Representations of p-adic Groups 1:09:03

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