

Discourse Analysis by Graham R. Gibbs (University of Huddersfield)

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source: Graham R Gibbs   2015年5月6日
From a lecture given in 2015
by Graham R. Gibbs at the University of Huddersfield
This session introduces the idea of discourses and discourse analysis. It begins with a considerations of some of the historical origins of the approaches in the work of Wittgenstein, Austin and Sacks and then examines the range of current ideas about discourses and the schools or styles of analysis to be found. Two in particular are examined here: Discursive Psychology and Foucauldian Discourse Analysis. The rest of this session is then devoted to looking at some of the ideas of discursive psychology developed by Potter, Wetherell and others.
Sounds and music: 'Fifth Avenue Stroll' from iLife Sound Effects,
Images: Freizeitanlage Kräwinklerbrücke, Kräwinklerbrücke in Remscheid
by Frank Vincentz, Wikimedia Commons, licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Potter, J. and Wetherell, M. (1987) Discourse And Social Psychology: Beyond Attitudes And Behaviour, London: Sage
Pomerantz, A. (1980). Telling my side: “Limited access’ as a “fishing” device. Sociological inquiry, 50(3‐4), 186-198.
Potter, J. (1996) Representing Reality: Discourse, Rhetoric And Social Construction; London: Sage.
Palmer, D (1997) The methods of madness: recognizing delusional talk. PhD Thesis, University of York.

Discourse Analysis
Two talks on discourse analysis. The first focuses on discursive psychology, the second on Foucauldian approaches. Then three videos from an interview with Karl Kitching who talks about the discourse analysis he did in his PhD thesis on racism in schooling in Ireland.
Kitching, K. (2011) Interrogating the changing inequalities constituting 'popular' 'deviant' and 'ordinary' subjects of school/subculture in Ireland: moments of new migrant student recognition, resistance and recuperation. Race Ethnicity and Education.
Kitching, K. (2011) What do we care about (as) subjects of education? Thinking about risk differently, and causing trouble in a ‘post-critical’ world. In O’Brien, M. and O’Shea, A. (eds.) Pedagogy, Oppression and Transformation in a 'Post-Critical' Climate: The Return of Freirean Thinking.
Kitching, K. (2011) 'Understanding class anxiety and race certainty: moments of in/coherent home, school, body and emotion configuration in `new migrant¿ Dublin' In: Kalwant Bhopal and John J. Preston (eds). Intersectionality and race in education. London: Routledge.
Kitching, K (2010) 'The mobility of racism in education: contested discourses and new migrant subjectivities in Irish schooling' In: Merike Darmody, Naomi Tyrrell, and Steve Song (eds). Ethnic minority children and youth in Ireland: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Rotterdam: Sense.
Kitching, K (2010) 'An excavation of the racialised politics of viability underpinning education policy in Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies, 29 (3):213-229.

Discourse Analysis Part 1: Discursive Psychology 55:23
Discourse Analysis Part 2: Foucauldian Approaches 32:17
Discourse analysis in ethnography. Interview with Karl Kitching Part 1 16:33
Discourse analysis in ethnography. Interview with Karl Kitching Part 2 11:31
Discourse analysis in ethnography. Interview with Karl Kitching Part 3 16:09

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