

CRASSH Cambridge (videos of April 2017)

source: CRASSH Cambridge
1:18:28 The Power Switch - Panel Three: State Power Panel Three: State Power
Discussants: Ross Anderson (Cambridge), Lawrence Quill (San Jose) & Ron Deibert (Toronto)
Ross Anderson is Professor of Security Engineering at the University of Cambridg...
1:33:23 The Power Switch - Panel Two: Media Power Panel Two: Media Power
Discussants: John Naughton (Cambridge) & Martin Moore (King's College London)
John Naughton is a Senior Research Fellow at CRASSH, co-director of the ‘Technology and Democr...
1:41:12 The Power Switch - Panel One: Corporate Power Panel One: Corporate Power
Discussants: Siva Vaidhyanathan (Virginia), Mireille Hildebrandt (Brussels) & Ellen Goodman (Rutgers)
Siva Vaidhyanathan is the Robertson Professor of Modern Media Stud...
1:23:01 The Power Switch - Panel Four: Algorithmic Power Panel Four: Algorithmic Power
Discussants: Malte Ziewitz (Cornell), Ariel Ezrachi (Oxford) & Seda Guerses (Ku Leuven)
Malte Ziewitz is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Science & Techn...
1:12:01 Adriana Erthal Abdenur - Tupi or Not Tupi Researching South-South Development Cooperation
The conference's keynote lecture, 'Tupi or Not Tupi: Anthropophagy and Emulation in the Study of South-South Cooperation', given by Professor Adrian...
1:13:05 Mary Jacobus - Twombly's Books How does literary reference affect the interpretation of largely abstract works? In her recent book, Reading Cy Twombly: Poetry in Paint (Princeton University Press, 2016), Mary Jacobus focuses on ...

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