

Categorical Structures in Harmonic Analysis

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source: LeonhardEuler1      2014年11月18日
Categorical Structures in Harmonic Analysis
Videos from the MSRI workshop on "Categorical Structures in Harmonic Analysis" that took place at MSRI, Berkeley in November 2014. The workshop page (with videos and references and exercises) can be found here: http://www.msri.org/workshops/708

Julia Gordon, Transfer Principles and Uniform Estimates for Orbital Integrals 58:45
Peter Scholze, Some Structures from Geometric Langlands in the Setting of a p-adic Field 1:00:20
Zhiwei Yun, Geometric Representations of Rational Cherednik Algebras 1:02:22
Joseph Bernstein, Periods and Global Invariants of Automorphic Representations 1:01:17
Hiraku Nakajima, Coulomb Branches of 3D N=4 Gauge Theories and Motivic DT Invariants 59:03
Alexander Braverman, Local L-factors and Perverse Sheaves on Certain Loop Spaces 1:06:00
Ivan Mirkovic, Loop Grassmanians From the Point of View of Local Spaces 1:08:33
Hélène Esnault, Relation Between the Étale Fundamental Group and Stratifications 1:00:05
Konstantin Ardakov, Equivariant D-cap Modules on Rigid Analytic Spaces 1:00:59
Dennis Gaitsgory, Picard-Lefschetz Oscillators for the Drinfeld-Lafforgue Compactification 51:39
Geordie Williamson, Modular Representation Theory and the Hecke Category 1:00:42
Marie-France Vigneras, Simple Modules of Pro-p Iwahori-Hecke Algebras 55:45
Xinwen Zhu, Commutativity Constraints Revisited 58:21
Yiannis Sakellaridis, Non-categorical Structures in Harmonic Analysis 1:02:22

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