

Workshop on Computation-Intensive Probabilistic and Statistical Methods

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source: Simons Institute        2014年2月26日
Workshop on Computation-Intensive Probabilistic and Statistical Methods
Feb. 18 – Feb. 21, 2014
Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology are enabling fast and cost-effective generation of sequence data. Soon, whole-genome sequencing will become a routine assay, opening up new opportunities for biomedical research and related fields. Several large-scale sequencing projects are currently under way, each with the aim of sequencing the genomes of hundreds or thousands of individuals (either humans or model organisms). Such projects will provide a comprehensive view of genomic variation in different populations and elucidate the relative contribution of various biological mechanisms to evolution. Given this explosion of data, evolutionary biologists now hope to make inference in models of evolution with unprecedented complexity. This workshop will center around recent advances in computation-intensive probabilistic and statistical inference methods for large-scale population genomics, focusing on the crucial role of efficient algorithms and accurate probabilistic modeling.
For more information, please visit http://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/evolution2014-1.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.

A Population Reference Graph for Human Genetic Variation Gil McVean, University of Oxford http://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/gil-... 51:30
Genetic Variation in Gene Regulation 50:56
A General Method for Calculating Likelihoods for Coalescence of Linear Genomes 45:26
Ancestral Population Genomics with Coalescent Hidden Markov Models 44:06
Inferring the Past for Traits that Alter Speciation and Extinction 50:56
Population Genetics of the Neanderthal Genome Project 47:27
Any Way You Want It: Applications of Whole Genome Capture to Ancient DNA, Metagenomics, and... 46:53
Creating (and Mapping to) a Universal Reference Genome 53:09
Algorithms for Genetic Selection 38:41
Inference from Allele Frequency Time Series 56:30
Coalescent Approaches to Selective Sweeps 46:35
Natural Selection in a Spatial Continuum 43:33
Some Tight Bounds in Recovering Species Trees and Population Histories 40:41
Robust Demographic Inference from Genomic and SNP Data 52:08
Calculation of Joint Allelic Spectra 51:29
Analysis of Haplotype Sharing and Recent Demographic History with Examples from the Netherlands 46:45
Probabilistic Models for Spatial Geographic Localization 47:33
Quantifying the Extent of Geographic Signature in the Human Genome 37:51
A Tree-based Approach to Inferring Past Population Size Changes and Separation Times 50:25
Correcting for Confounding in Genetic Studies 46:00
Identifying Recombination Hot Spots from Sequence Polymorphism Data 53:38
The Impact of Recent Human Demography on Deleterious Mutation Load and the Genetic... 46:39
Coancestry in the Analysis of Genetic Traits 43:08
Crowd-sourcing Genetic Discovery 41:28

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