

Real-Time Decision Making

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source: Simons Institute     2016年6月27日
Real-Time Decision Making
Jun. 27 – Jul. 1, 2016
This workshop concerns algorithmic methods for the control of systems characterized by the need to make real-time decisions based on data arriving continuously in high volume. Its goal is to create collaborations between researchers in domains of physical sciences, engineering and societal systems involving real-time decision making, and mathematical and computational scientists with the tools required to attack the decision-theoretic problems arising in these domains. The workshop will include expository presentations on robotic astronomical observation, earthquake early warning, control of transportation networks, online matching markets and smart energy grids; talks on the central mathematical and algorithmic problems arising in such decision problems; and group discussions aimed at framing a broad research agenda for both theoretical and applied progress on these problems.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/real-time-decision-....
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.

Physics at the LHC: Data Analysis and Global Network Challenges with Exascale Data 1:07:18 Harvey Newman, California Institute of Technology https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/har...
Warning When You Need It: Earthquakes and Smartphones 1:01:25
Real-Time Convex Optimization 25:44
Coding for Interactive Communication 56:44
Crowdsourcing for Clustering: Algorithms and Information-Theoretic Lower Bounds 47:26
Local Computation Algorithms 37:56
What Does `Real Time' Mean 54:44
The Palomar Transient Factory 54:03
Market Dynamics of Best-Response with Lookahead 40:59
Algorithms for Risk Mitigation in Networks 58:00
Core-sets for Real-Time Tracking using Caratheodory Theorem, with Applications to Drones 46:55
Closed-Loop Control of Network Processes 35:12
Distributed Learning Dynamics Convergence in Routing Games 48:03
Increasing Throughput in Urban Roads by Connected Vehicles 37:13
Seeing Real-Time Traffic Problems 44:30
Sub-Quadratic Recovery of Correlated Pairs 42:59
Optimal Power Flow: Relaxation, Online Algorithm, Fast Dynamics 53:27
Distributed Control for Demand Dispatch 49:03
Algorithmic Aspects of Online Advertising 38:29
Smarter Tools for (Citi)Bike-Sharing 56:46
Dynamic Pricing in Ridesharing Platforms 55:08
When Computing Time is Time Lost 36:58
Real-Time Decision Making in Hybrid Systems 57:12
Predicting from Noisy and Incomplete Data: Some Perspectives from Computational Learning Theory 47:58
Approximate Optimality with Bounded Regret in Dynamic Matching Models 45:10
Localization and Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling via Paired Comparisons 38:54
 New Algorithms for Heavy Hitters in Data Streams 1:04:20

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