

Network Biology

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source: Simons Institute     2016年4月15日
Apr. 11 – Apr. 15, 2016
Network Biology aims to understand the web of interactions among cellular components, which affect all activities and disease. Only by understanding these interactions (among genes, proteins, RNAs, complexes and other molecules) can a higher level of understanding of organismal function, dynamics and development be achieved. Further, cellular networks provide a holistic framework within which to interpret other high-throughput heterogeneous measurements (e.g., expression levels, mutations, chemical modifications, etc.) that are being collected across organisms, individuals, cell types and conditions, and increasingly at the level of individual cells. This workshop will bring together a diverse set of scientists focused on inferring and analyzing cellular networks, using a wide range of techniques including wet-lab experiments, graph algorithms, combinatorial optimization, machine learning and statistics.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/genomics2016-3.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.

Using Molecular Networks to Seed Predictive Hierarchies of Cell Systems 1:10:40 Trey Ideker, UC San Diego https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/tre...
Uncertainty in Biological Networks; Challenges and Opportunities 30:58
Diffusion-Based Metrics for Biological Network Analysis 33:34
Sampling the Low End of Affinity 27:51
Systematic Functional Annotation of the 2016 Yeast Genetic Interaction Network 33:38
Pathways, Centrality, and Regulation in Developmental Disorders 34:24
On Beyond Genome: Opportunities and Challenges Using the Other Omics for Precision Medicine 35:41
Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems Arising in the Analysis of Cancer Mutation Networks 35:12
Network Analysis of Cancer Mutations 38:40
Fathoming Cancer by Interrogating Integrated Interactomes 34:20
Network Data Integration Enables Precision Medicine 32:46
Transcriptional Enhancers - Looking out for the Genes and Each Other 35:20
Dynamics of 3D Enhancer-Gene Associations Across Diverse Human Cell Types and Tissues 36:42
Profiling Cell/Tissue Specific Gene Regulatory Networks 25:12
Variation of Regulatory Networks Across Organisms 43:49
Spatial Gene Expression Patterns in Drosophila 30:45
Network Perspective on Expression Changes and Expression Noise in D. melanogaster Chromosomal Deleti 31:45
Cross-Species Interactome Mapping Reveals Network Evolution Principles from Yeasts to Human 39:16
Moving Beyond Local Patterns: New Ways to Reason about Biological Network Comparisons 33:46
Data Driven "Pathway" Analysis with ADAGE 34:56
Synthesis, Simplification and Analysis of Biological Networks Using Higher Order Topological Connect 31:37
Network Propagation as a Tool for Deciphering Disease Mechanisms 43:56
Dynamic and Integrative Biological Network Research of Aging 32:14
Efficiently Enumerating All Connected Induced Subgraphs of a Large Molecular Network 24:08
Identifying Disease Mechanisms Using Gene Networks as Priors 38:30
Simple Models and Exact Algorithms for Computing Network Modules 31:01
Local Similarity Analysis (LSA) of Time Series Data and Applications to Metagenomics 33:11
Module Discovery in 3-way Data 33:44

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