

Modern Steel Products (2014-15) by Bruno de Cooman

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source: bhadeshia123      2014年3月10日
A comprehensive set of lectures on the design of steel products using the basic principles of physical metallurgy.
A course of lectures by Professor Bruno de Cooman, of the Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology, POSTECH, Republic of Korea. This comprehensive course leads the audience through a large variety of metallurgical aspects that influence steel products.

Modern Steel Products - 2014, Introduction: lecture 1 1:11:47
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Alloying elements: lecture 2 1:16:00
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Fe-C phase diagram: lecture 3 1:16:13
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Hardenability: lecture 4 1:12:40
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Grain size control: lecture 5 1:06:52
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Steel Standards: lecture 6 1:17:39
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Standards, Ironmaking: 7 1:07:42
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Ironmaking, Steelmaking: 8 1:15:14
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Continuous Casting: 9 1:04:35
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Cold-strip mill: 13 1:18:47
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Hot-strip mill: 12 2:14:09
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Rolling of Steel: 11 59:45
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Rolling of Steel: 10 1:20:00
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Corrosion of coated steel: 15 2:22:31
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Batch Processing: 14 1:06:49
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Strengthening mechanisms: 16 1:05:13
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Twinning & Dislocations: 17 1:14:41
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Strengthening mechanisms 18 1:12:17
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Formable steels 20 1:10:36
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Formable steels 19 56:30
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Wire & Rod Mills 23 57:33
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Formable steels 22 1:08:27
Modern Steel Products - 2014, rails 25 1:03:29
Modern Steel Products - 2014, Major Applications 24 1:12:20
Modern Steel Products (2015) lecture 1 1:09:45
Modern Steel Products (2015) lecture 2 1:12:11
Modern Steel Products (2015), lecture 3 1:18:28
Modern Steel Products (2015) lecture 4 1:00:00
Modern Steel Products (2015) lecture 5 1:15:49
Modern Steel Products (2015) lecture 6 1:03:01
Modern Steel Products (2015) lecture 7 1:16:21

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