

Metals and Alloys by Harry Bhadeshia

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source: bhadeshia123    2011年4月23日
The development of improved metallic materials is a vital activity at the leading edge of science and technology. Metals offer unrivalled combinations of properties and reliability at a cost which is affordable. They are versatile because subtle changes in their microstructure can cause dramatic variations in their properties. For example, it is possible to buy commercial steel with a strength as low as 50 MPa or as high as 5500 MPa. They can be made with a microstructure which is finer than that of carbon nanotubes. An understanding of the development of microstructure in metals, rooted in thermodynamics, crystallography and kinetic phenomena is essential for the materials scientist. The majority of the 1.4 billion tonnes of metals produced annually are the result of developments within the last ten years

lecture 1, Atomic Diffusion 44:15
lecture 2, Atomic Diffusion 38:23
lecture 3, Solidification 40:14
lecture 4, Solidification 33:20
lecture 5, Solidification 28:11
lecture 6, Recovery and Recrystallisation 44:52
lecture 8, Precipitation 41:41
lecture 10, Alloys of Iron 32:31
lecture 11, Some Metallic Alloys 39:39
lecture 12, Alloys for Elevated Temperatures 43:55
Effects of neutron radiation on nickel-based alloys 17:51

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