

Is the Human Mind Unique? (CARTA)

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source: University of California Television (UCTV)    2013年5月15日
http://www.uctv.tv/carta-human-mindScientists from many different fields discuss cognitive abilities often regarded as unique to humans including humor, morality, symbolism, creativity and preoccupation with the minds of others. They assess the functional uniqueness of these attributes, as opposed to the anatomical uniqueness, and whether they are indeed quantitatively or qualitatively unique to humans. Presented by the Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA) at UC San Diego.

CARTA: Is the Human Mind Unique? Entering the Soul Niche; An Evolved and Creative Mind; and Humor 59:25
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Cognitive abilities often regarded as unique to humans include humor, morality, symbolism, creativity, and preoccupation with the minds of others. In these compelling talks, emphasis is placed on the functional uniqueness of these attributes, as opposed to the anatomical uniqueness, and whether these attributes are indeed quantitatively or qualitatively unique to humans. Nicholas Humphrey (Darwin College, Cambridge) begins with Entering the "Soul Niche," followed by Steven Mithen (Univ of Reading) on An Evolved and Creative Mind, and Daniel Dennett (Tufts Univ) on Humor. Series: "CARTA - Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny" [4/2013] [Science] [Show ID: 24974]
CARTA: Is the Human Mind Unique? -- Steven Mithen: An Evolved and Creative Mind 21:42
CARTA: Is the Human Mind Unique? -- Colin Renfrew: Archaeological Evidence for Mind 18:37
CARTA: Is the Human Mind Unique? -- Patricia Churchland: Moral Sense 20:22
CARTA: Is Human Mind Unique? V.S. Ramachandran: Inter-Modular Interactions Metaphor Great Leap 23:22
CARTA: Is the Human Mind Unique? -- Nicholas Humphrey: Entering the Soul Niche 15:16
CARTA: Is the Human Mind Unique? Terry Deacon: Why Is Human Thought So Flexible? 18:16
CARTA: Is the Human Mind Unique? -- Daniel Povinelli: Desperately Seeking Explanation 20:13
CARTA: Is the Human Mind Unique? -- Merlin Donald: Skilled Performance and Artistry 17:11
Is the Human Mind Unique?- Artistry; Symbolic Communication; Metaphor and the Great Leap 55:45
Is the Human Mind Unique? – Archaeological Evidence; Desperately Seeking Explanation; Moral Sense 56:15

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