

Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Disorders (CARTA)

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source: University of California Television (UCTV)    2013年6月3日
This fascinating and important series from UC San Diego's Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA) explores the newest understandings of the roots of autism disorders from the foremost researchers in the world.

CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders 58:53
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) This fascinating and important series from CARTA explores the newest understandings of the roots of autism disorders from the foremost researchers in the world. In this episode, Karen Pierce and V.S. Ramachandran of UC San Diego are joined by UCLA's Mirella Dapretto as they discuss The Early Identification of Autism, Mirroring in the Neurotypical and Autistic Brain, and Mirror Neuron Dysfunction in Neurology. Series: "CARTA - Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny" [12/2012] [Science] [Show ID: 24455]
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders - V.S. Ramachandran 18:17
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders - Bernard Crespi 19:21
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders - Karen Pierce 19:36
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders - Mirella Dapretto 23:26
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders - Jonathan Sebat: Genetic  18:01
CARTA: Human Origins: Autism Spectrum Disorders - Simon Baron-Cohen: The Fetal Androgen Theory 22:46
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders - Andrew Meltzhoff 20:51
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders - Eric Courchesne 20:56
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders - Daniel Geschwind 18:46
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders 58:20
CARTA: Human Origins: Lessons from Autism Spectrum Disorders 59:03

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