

How Language Evolves (CARTA)

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source: University of California Television (UCTV) 2015年4月24日
Evolution of Language
This symposium addresses the question of how human language came to have the kind of structure it has, focusing on three sources of evidence: 1) ways languages get new structure not present in the language of the previous generation(s) of speakers or signers; 2) what contrasts between new and mature languages reveal about how language evolves; and 3) neuroscientific investigations of functional specialization for language in the human brain and its dependence on the linguistic input the language learner gets during cognitive development.

Wrap-Up Question and Answer Closing Remarks 42:24
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) This CARTA symposium addresses the question of how human language came to have the kind of structure it has today, focusing on three sources of evidence. In this program, the speakers field questions from the audience and the seminar is concluded. Series: "CARTA - Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny" [Health and Medicine] [Science] [Show ID: 29406]
Welcome and Introduction 6:53
Opening Remarks 8:49
Rachel Mayberry: How the Environment Shapes Language in the Brain 23:07
Evelina Fedorenko: Specialization for Language in the Human Brain 21:46
Edward Chang: Neuroscience of Speech Perception and Speech Production 21:19
Language in The Brain 1:00:24
Contrasts Between New and Mature Languages 59:41
Ray Jackendoff: What Can You Say without Syntax? 21:32
Mark Aronoff: Co-emergence of Meaning and Structure in a New Language 21:31
David Perlmutter:Combinatoriality within the Word:Sign Language Evidence 22:18
How Languages Get New Structure 58:22
Simon Kirby: Language Evolution in the Lab: Emergence of Design Features 22:31
Ann Senghas:Rethinking Recapitulation:Structure in Nicaraguan Sign Language 20:39
Carmel O’Shannessy: How Languages Get New Structure 20:36

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