

Evolution and Climate (CARTA)

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source: University of California Television (UCTV)    2015年7月10日
Evolution and Climate
According to earth scientists, paleontologists, and scholars in other fields, the planet has entered a new geological phase – the Anthropocene, the age of humans. How did this transition of our species from an apelike ancestor in Africa to the current planetary force occur? What are the prospects for the future of world climate, ecosystems, and our species? This symposium presents varied perspectives on these critical questions from earth scientists, ecologists, and paleoanthropologists.

Human-Climate Interactions and Evolution: Past and Future 58:17
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) This symposium presents varied perspectives from earth scientists, ecologists, and paleoanthropologists on how climate may have shaped human evolution, as well as the prospects for the future of world climate, ecosystems, and our species with Peter deMenocal on African Climate Change and Human Evolution, followed by Jean-Jacques Hublin on The Climatic Framework of Neandertal Evolution, and Rick Potts on Climate Instability and the Evolution of Human Adaptability. Recorded on 05/15/2015. Series: "CARTA - Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny" [7/2015] [Science] [Show ID: 29683]
Human-Climate Interactions and Evolution: Past and Future 55:49
Human-Climate Interactions and Evolution: Past and Future: Ajit Varki Welcome Remarks 6:57
Peter deMenocal:African Climate Change and Human Evolution 19:59
Past and Future: Naomi Oreskes:Human Impacts:Will We Survive the Future? 19:12
Veerabhadran Ramanathan:Climate Mitigation:In Pursuit of the Common Good. 24:57
Human-Climate Interactions and Evolution: William Ruddiman:How Humans Took Control of Climate 20:52
Rick Potts:Climate Instability and the Evolution of Human Adaptability 20:59
Human-Climate Interactions and Evolution:Past and Future: Charles Kennel:Introductory Remarks 5:58
Jeff Severinghaus: Abrupt Climate Transitions and Humans 19:21
Charles Kennel:The Impacts of Arctic Sea Ice Retreat on Contemporary Climate. 21:59
Jean-Jacques Hublin: The Climatic Framework of Neandertal Evolution 23:43
Elizabeth Hadly:A Tipping Point? Using the Past to Forecast Our Future 22:18
Human-Climate Interactions and Evolution: Past and Future: Q and A and Closing Remarks 51:40
Human-Climate Interactions and Evolution: Past and Future 1:00:05

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