

BBEP 2016

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source: The Physiological Society     2016年3月23日

Does ‘altitude training’ increase exercise performance in elite athletes? Carsten Lunby,  27:13 This talk was given at The Biomedical Basis of Elite Performance
East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK 6-8 March 2016
Session: Environmental impact on function, adaptation & performance during exercise
Greater untwisting rate response to hypoxia and re-oxygenation in sprint athletes, Eric Stohr 12:35
Motor unit recruitment during sustained fatiguing contractions, Jamie McPhee 11:47
The effect of four weeks endurance training and beta2-agonist, Nanna Krogh 8:26
Mitochondrial physiology in health and disease: Biogenesis, growth and function, Fleming Dela 28:37
The athletes heart - when is adaptation good and when is it dangerous? Mats Borjesson 20:44
Tendon overuse and development of injury, Michael Kjaer 26:14
The ageing athlete, Steve Harridge 27:07
Sports nutrition and exercise metabolism – An historical perspective, Ron Maughan 49:48
Physiological adaptations to interval exercise training: New insights Martin Gibala 27:37
Eccentric exercise: physiology and application in sport and rehabilitation, Hans Hoppeler 27:24
Ultra-endurance exercise: muscle adaptations and metabolism, Jorn Wulff Helge 25:00
Mixing your exercise modes: When opposites distract, John Hawley 26:36
The influence of sex on the skeletal muscle gene expression response, Lauren Skelly 9:55
Impact of intravenous iron on systolic pulmonary arterial pressure, Hung Yuan Cheung 6:49
Vagal tone and exercise capacity, Asif Machhada 7:34
Manipulating muscle protein turnover to maximize exercise adaptations, Stuart Phillips 25:45
Regulation and limitations to fat oxidation during exercise, Francis Stephens 28:55
Dietary carbohydrate is an obligatory requirement? Louise Burke 32:20
Mechanisms in glycogen re-synthesis after exercise, Jorgen Wojtaszewski 26:37
Respiratory complications in the elite athletes, Vibeke Backer 27:59
Central limits to maximal oxygen consumption, Jose Calbet 23:47
Local regulation of skeletal muscle blood flow, Ylva Hellsten 24:42
Novel roles for satellite cells in muscle growth, Charlotte Peterson 25:27
The muscle “memory”, Krisitian Gundersen 29:18
Physiological limits to exercise performance: Influence of gender, Michael Joyner 46:34
The relationship of sleep to recovery and performance in elite athletes Mary Morrell 26:52
Physiological responses and adaptations to exercise in the heat, George Havenith 27:49
Physiological and psychological responses and adaptation to cold environments, Mike Tipton 30:19
Brain vascular control during exercise, Johannes van Lieshout 26:19
c-Met affects the number of type 2 fibres in mouse soleus, Arimantas Lionikas 11:56
Oral ketone body supplementation accelerates and enhances glycogen synthesis, David Holdsworth 13:56
Development and application of stable isotope tracers to exercise physiology, Phil Atherton 31:37
Regulation of skeletal muscle mass and metabolism by the vitamin D receptor, Joseph Bass 7:47
Nitrate supplementation and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha knockout, Katie O'Brien 10:07
Studying physiological adaptation through metabolic systems biology, Lindsay Edwards 24:44
Transcranial direct current stimulation improves cycling performance, Luca Angius 10:33
A molecular signature linked to calcium signalling, Peter Davidsen 11:09
Can we predict the response to aerobic exercise training? Claude Bouchard 30:52
Blunted cumulative muscle protein synthesis and ribosomal biogenesis, Matthew Brook 10:38
Repetition-load and systemic hormone concentrations, Rob Morton 10:23
Beta-adrenergic agonist, Ractopamine, increases skeletal muscle expression of enzymes, David  10:19
Gene doping – where are we now? Dominic Wells 26:47
Age associated motor unit loss is not attenuated by high levels of lifelong exercise, M Piasecki 7:50

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