

Virology Course 2014 by Vincent Racaniello at Columbia University

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source: Vincent Racaniello     2014年1月23日
Lectures from my undergraduate virology course at Columbia University from Spring 2014.

lecture #1 - What is a virus? #1 I introduce the world of viruses - their diversity and numbers, what they, and their discovery in the context of the history of microbiology. 51:58
lecture #2 - The infectious cycle 1:13:05
Lecture #3 - Genomes and genetics  1:05:29
Lecture #4 - Structure of viruses 1:09:59
Lecture #5 - Attachment and entry 1:14:12
lecture #6 - RNA synthesis 1:10:08
lecture #7 - Viral DNA replication 1:08:16
lecture #8 - Transcription and RNA processing 1:23:15
lecture #9 - Reverse transcription and integration 1:07:46
lecture #10 - Translation 1:10:06
lecture #11 - Assembly 1:08:29
lecture #12 - Infection basics 1:08:16
lecture #13 - Intrinsic and innate defenses 1:09:36
lecture #14 - Adaptive defenses 1:09:19
lecture #15 - Viral virulence 1:08:58
lecture #16 - Acute infections 1:08:59
lecture #17 - Persistent infections 1:08:51
lecture #18 - Transformation and oncogenesis 1:07:26
lecture #19 - Vaccines 1:09:33
lecture #20 - Antivirals 1:17:51
lecture #21 - Evolution 1:20:00
lecture #22 - Emerging viruses 1:08:17
lecture #23 - Unusual infectious agents 1:13:12
lecture #24 - HIV pathogenesis  1:10:35
lecture #25 - H5N1  1:11:39

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