

UC Irvine (videos of the past month: 02/15-02/27/17)

source: UCI Open
43:58 Martin: Engineers for Health: How Intersectoral Collaboration Decreases Injury and Disease A public health seminar recorded on February 13, 2017 featuring Paul Martin, OCTA Active Transportation Coordinator.
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Active Transportation Coordin... 43:56 Paul Martin: Engineers for Health A public health seminar recorded on February 13, 2017 featuring Paul Martin, OCTA Active Transportation Coordinator.
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Active Transportation Coordin... 48:57 Daniel Parker: Spatiotemporal Patterns in Malaria A public health seminar recorded on January 30, 2017 featuring Daniel M. Parker, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher at Mahidol University - Oxford University Tropical Medicine Research Unit.
The epide...

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