

Theoretical Physics - Exoplanets

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source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies    2015年12月28日
33rd Winter School in Theoretical Physics - Exoplanets

Dave Charbonneau (Harvard University) Physics Colloquium: Exoplanets 1:43:26
Scott Tremaine (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) Celestial Mechanics I 1:20:20
Tsevi Mazeh (Tel Aviv University) Detection of Planets with Radial Velocities 1:41:32
Dave Charbonneau (Harvard University) Kepler and its Results 1:40:17
Ruth Murray-Clay (University of California at Santa Barbara) Disks Observations and Interpretation 1:35:42
Scott Tremaine (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) Celestial Mechanics II 1:26:44
Yoram Lithwick (Northwestern University) TTV - Theory 1:26:31
Dave Charbonneau (Harvard University) Kepler and its Results II 1:37:50
Dan Maoz (Tel Aviv University) Microlensing - Theory and Observations 1:42:24
Scott Tremaine (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) Numerical Integrations of Orbits 1:36:30
Dave Stevenson (Caltech) Giant Planet Gas Accretion 1:27:47
Podolak Morris (Tel-Aviv University) Accretion of Giant Planets 46:46
Ravit Helled (Tel-Aviv University) Alternative Formation Theory and Structure of Giant Planets 47:59
Tsevi Mazeh (Tel Aviv University) TTV and Stellar Rotation - Observations 1:36:08
Re’em Sari (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Planet Formation I 1:37:47
Scott Tremaine (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) Planet Disk Interaction 1:17:43
Dave Charbonneau (Harvard University) Observational Challenges & Future of Planet Detection 1:42:48
Adam Showman (University of Arizona) Atmospheric Structure - Theory 1:38:09
Re’em Sari (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Planet Formation IIsession 15 1:35:06
Boaz Katz (Weizmann Institute of Science) Eccentric Migration 48:01
Hagai Perets (Technion) Dynamics in Triple Systems. Kozai and Retrograde Planets 48:58
Tristan Guillot (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur) Internal Models I 1:35:05
Adam Showman (University of Arizona) Atmospheric Dynamics 1:38:55
Ruth Murray-Clay (UCSB) Atmospheric Escape from Hot Jupiters and Super Earths 1:34:00
Shay Zucker (Tel-Aviv University) Planet Detection with Gaia 50:46
Dave Stevenson (Caltech) Astro Seismology 1:39:56
Re’em Sari (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Inflated Hot Jupiters and Super Earths 1:40:15
Yoram Lithwick (Northwestern University) Planetesimals  1:36:50
Giovanna Tinetti (University College London) Cosmochemistry and Galactic Context 1:32:34
Tristan Guillot (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur) Internal Models II 1:36:18
Adam Showman (University of Arizona) Rotation and Tides 1:34:21
Yoram Lithwick (Northwestern University) Formation of Hot Jupiters 1:33:24
Tristan Guillot (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur) Planet Evolution 1:40:01
Giovanna Tinetti (University College London) Observations of Atmospheres 1:29:19
Ruth Murray-Clay (UCSB) Planet System Architecture 1:32:45
Giovanna Tinetti (University College London) 1:33:04
Dave Stevenson (Caltech) Summary & Theoretical Challenges 1:33:05

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