

The Pears Webinar (2011) in Plant Sciences

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source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem   2011年10月2日
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment
The Division for External Studies
September 19-20, 2011

1st Session 1:25:17
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Prof. Shahal Abbo (Israel)
Plant domestication in the ancient Near-East & its bearing on future plant breeding
Presentation 1: Mr. Habte Nida
(Mentor: Dr. E. Fridman) - Investigation of genetic loci involved reproductive heterosis in Sorghum bicolor
The Division for External Studies
Website: http://departments.agri.huji.ac.il/ex...
2nd Session 1:16:05
3rd Session 1:23:37
4th Session 1:19:10
5th Session 1:38:32
6th Session 1:29:56
7th Session 1:25:26
8th Session 52:52
Prof. Shahal Abbo (Israel) 37:19
Mr. Habte Nida 40:17
Mr. Raj Kumar Thapa 44:51
Ms. Monica Garcia-Teruel 30:37
Mr. Janak Raj Joshi 42:23
Mr. Alem Gebremedhin 39:06
Ms. Indira Paudel 48:50
Ms. Evelyn Colón de Mello 29:40
Mr. Amit Kumar Jaiswal 43:41
Mr. Ram Kumar Shrestha 53:28
Mr. Moses Aidoo 41:17
Mr. Zeraye Mehari Haile 47:38
Ms. Miriam Silva Ruiz 39:32
Mr. Paa Kwesi Bordoh 41:44
Mr. Tesfay Araya (Ethiopia) 45:45

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