

The 20th Midrasha Mathematicae: 60 faces to groups

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source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies     2016年11月26日
The 20th Midrasha Mathematicae: 60 faces to groups

Alan Reid - Profinite rigidity in low dimensions (University of Texas at Austin)  50:04
Aner Shalev - Linear groups and simple groups 57:51
Avinoam Mann - Positively finitely generated groups and their associated zeta-functions 1:01:41
Dan Segal - Strongly complete profinite groups 58:13
David El Chai Ben Ezra - The congruence subgroup problem for metabelian groups 16:48
Emmanuel Kowalski - Recognizing groups in arithmetic problems 47:23
Hillel Furstenberg - Ramsey Theory for Non amenable Groups 49:26
Inna Capdeboscq - Generation and Presentations Kac Moody groups perspective 46:34
Karen Vogtmann - Fnding infinity inside Outer space 50:07
László Babai - Finite permutation groups and the Graph Isomorphism problem 1 50:31
László Babai - Finite permutation groups and the Graph Isomorphism problem 2 47:21
László Pyber - How to avoid the Classification Theorem the Classification Theorem off 25:47
Marcus Du Sautoy - Zeta functions of Groups 40:58
Martin Kassabov - From character varieties to quantum representation of mapping class groups 58:44
Martin Liebeck - Algorithms for finitely presented groups and probabilistic group theory 48:06
Nir Avni - Survey of representation growth Strongly dense free subgroups 50:10
Oren Becker - Locally testable groups 16:00
Ori Parzanchevski - Golden Gates and High Dimensional Expanders 45:21
Robert Guralnick - Presentations of finite groups and cohomology 47:55
Rostislav Grigorchuk - Models of random group via the dynamical constructions on the space of groups 48:29
Roy Meshulam - High Dimensional Expansion 51:59
Shai Evra The - Topological Expanders 16:32
Tsachik Gelander Weizmann Institute of Science - Torsion in Negative Curvature 46:23

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