

Quantum Transport (Spring 2013) by Sergey Frolov at the U of Pittsburgh

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source: Sergey Frolov      2013年1月24日
A graduate-level class taught by Sergey Frolov in the Spring of 2013 at the University of Pittsburgh
Quantum Transport course development supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant DMR CAREER 1252962.
Quantum transport describes phenomena for which it is essential to consider conducting electrons in solids as quantum particles. This course will take an experimental point of view focusing on low temperature electrical measurements. Materials science, nanotechnology and measurement techniques central to the field will be reviewed. Quantum devices to be covered include low-dimensional systems such as quantum dots (0D), quantum point contacts (1D) and two-dimensional electron gases (2D), as well as three-dimensional mesoscopic devices such as single-electron transistors, Aharonov-Bohm interferometers and superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). The fundamentals of quantum transport such as Coulomb blockade, weak localization and Quantum Hall effects will be followed by topics of high current interest, namely solid state quantum bits (based on spin, magnetic flux and electric charge) and topological phases in condensed matter (quantum spin Hall effect, topological insulators, Majorana fermions).
Recommended books:
Thomas Ihn “Semiconductor Nanostructures: Quantum states and electronic transport”, Yuli Nazarov and Yaroslav Blanter “Quantum Transport: Introduction to Nanoscience”.

Lecture 1: Introduction In this lecture the notion of quantum transport is defined, the interest in quantum transport is motivated and key experiments in the field are highlighted. 1:15:48
Lecture 2: Energy and Length Scales 1:12:39
Lecture 3: Materials for Quantum Transport 1:14:10
Lecture 4: Technology 1:16:22
Lecture 5: Ballistic Transport 43:04
Lecture 6: Quantum Point Contacts II 1:11:34
Lecture 7: Coulomb Blockade 1:16:12
Lecture 8: Quantum Dots 1:16:16
Lecture 9: Spin States in Quantum Dots 1:14:40
Lecture 10: Spin-Orbit Interaction 1:13:23
Lecture 11: Quantum Bits 1:16:35
Lecture 12: Spin Qubits 1:16:55
Lecture 13: Superconductivity 1:14:32
Lecture 14: Josephson effects 1:18:12
Lecture 15: Superconducting Interference 1:18:39
Lecture 16: Superconducting qubits 1:13:57
Lecture 17: Quantum Hybrids 1:12:51
Lecture 18: Coupled Qubits 1:12:44
Lecture 19: Quantum Outlook 1:08:35
Lecture 20: Majorana fermions 1:13:54
Bonus: Introduction to Kwant 20:22

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