

Looking at Art (Fall 2014) with James Scarborough at California State U

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2014年9月6日
Art 100 Looking at Art (Fall 2014) with James Scarborough
Learning to perceive art through discussion of selected historical periods, development of descriptive vocabulary and observation of actual works of art. Introduction to theories of interpretation and evaluation.

Can you access art's meaning just by looking at it? https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=4m39s
Living with art https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=18m56s
Garden at the Palace of Versailles https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=19m28s
Impulse to Make Art https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=22m47s
Create Order & Structure https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=24m10s
Stonehedge https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=25m6s
Explore Aesthetic Possibilities https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=29m7s
Jim Keville, "Covered Jar: Urban Sprawl" 1998 https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=31m6s
What do artists do? https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=32m11s
Create Places for human purpose https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=32m51s
Richard Lippold, Baldacchino https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=32m56s
Giorgio de Chirico https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=34m44s
Record & Commemorate/ Emanuel Leutze "Washington Crossing the Delaware" https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=36m18s
Give tangible form to unknown/ Hiermonious Bosch "The Garden of Earthly Delights" https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=37m2s
Refresh our vision and help us to see the world in new ways/ Vincent Van Gogh "The Starry Night" https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=38m26s
Creating and creativity/ Jackson Pollock https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=40m33s
Let's Take a Walk https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=46m29s
What is the relationship between why an artist made something & what that work means to the rest of us? https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=52m25s
Chapter 2: What is Art? https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=59m15s
Art and Audience https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=1h4m23s
Art and Beauty https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=1h8m48s
Art and Appearance https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=1h14m18s
Style https://youtu.be/Bmg5l-m3sdM?t=1h22m36s

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