

Let This Be A Lesson (2013) at Yale University Art Gallery

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source: Yale University Art Gallery     2014年7月21日
For six centuries, history painting—pictures based on stories from myth, scripture, and ancient and modern history—was the most prestigious work a painter could do. Renaissance artists and writers laid down the definitions, goals, and rules. We outline these and look at many examples of how they changed as pictorial narrative evolved until its eclipse in the 19th century.

Let This Be A Lesson (2013)
In fall 2013 John Walsh, Director Emeritus of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, presented a popular semester-long public lecture series that took a close look at eleven important paintings from Yale’s art museums that represent scenes from history, myth, scripture, or literature. The lectures traced the tradition of “history painting”—the category to which all of these works belong—from the Renaissance on through its rise to official dominance, its fall from privilege in the eras of Realism in the 19th century and abstract art in the 20th, and its reappearances in the 21st.

Lecture 1 - Introduction to History Painting 1:03:08
Lecture 2 - Unintended Consequences: Antonio del Pollaiuolo's Hercules and Deianira 1:01:00
Lecture 3 - Darkness to Light: Garofalo's The Conversion of Saint Paul 51:02
Lecture 4 - "But, Lord, He Stinketh!": Marco Pino's The Resurrection of Lazarus 1:06:13
Lecture 5 - Against Nature: Peter Paul Rubens's Hero and Leander 1:00:16
Lecture 6 - "To Paint the Way the Spartans Spoke": Gavin Hamilton's The Death of Lucretia 1:04:25
Lecture 7 - Benjamin West's Agrippina Landing at Brundisium with the Ashes of Germanicus 57:09
Lecture 8 - John Trumbull and Historical Fiction: The Battle of Bunker's Hill, June 17, 1775 55:55
Lecture 9 - Find the Hero: Ary Scheffer's Retreat of Napoleon's Army from Russia in 1812 1:00:32
Lecture 10 - Handwriting on the Wall: John Martin's Belshazzar's Feast 1:00:29
Lecture 11 - History at the Academy & the Salon: Jean-Léon Gérôme's Ave Caesar! Morituri te salutant 1:03:29
Lecture 12 - History Painting after Two World Wars: Anselm Kiefer's Die Ungeborenen 1:11:02

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