

Jordan B Peterson (videos from 01/16 to 02/21/17)

source: Jordan B Peterson
1:23:50 Dialogue with Composer Samuel Andreyev Support composer Samuel Andreyev's work at: https://www.patreon.com/samuelandreyev
Samuel Andreyev is a Canadian composer and poet currently living in Strasbourg, France. His music, performed thro...
1:34:32 2017 Personality and its Transformations Lecture 11 Nietzsche Dostoevsky & Kierkegaard Existentialis Support this channel at https://www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson
In this lecture, 11th in the 2017 series, I discuss the giants of existentialism, a philosophically-grounded psychological position ...
46:33 2017 Personality Lecture 12: Phenomenology: Heidegger, Binswanger, Boss Support this channel at https://www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson
In this lecture, 12th in the 2017 series, I discuss the Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy of Being, interpreted through the ey...
2:27:27 2017 Maps of Meaning Lecture 6: Story and Metastory (Part 2) In this lecture, I discuss uncertainty, or anomaly. We frame the world -- or the world reveals itself to us -- as a story, with a starting point, a destination, and the behavioral means to move fro...
2:00:12 Interview with Author Gregg Hurwitz Gregg Hurwitz is a New York Times Bestselling author and creator of Evan Smoak of Orphan X and The Nowhere Man. He has penned stories for Marvel's Wolverine and Punisher and DC's Batman and Penguin...
4:53 A Picture of Mohamed This five minute video addresses the issue of Islam in Canada, and in the rest of the West. I made it in part because the Canadian Parliament this week will discuss a motion, M103, discussing limit...
2:22:29 2017 Maps of Meaning Lecture 5: Story and Metastory (Part 1) In this lecture, I make the case that we each inhabit a story, describing where we are, where we are going, and the actions we must undertake to get from the former to the latter. These inhabited s...
50:10 2017 Personality Lecture 10 Carl Rogers Humanism Phenomenology Support this channel at https://www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson
In this lecture, 10th in the 2017 series, I begin to talk about Dr. Carl Rogers, a humanist psychotherapist in the phenomenological ...
54:03 2017 Personality Lecture 01: Introduction to the Course (updated intro) In this lecture, I define personality from multiple angles, historical, constructivist, psychoanalytic, behavioral and neuropsychological. Personality is a way of looking at the world, and a charac...
2:12:27 2017 Maps of Meaning Lecture 4: Marionettes and Individuals (Part 3) In this lecture, I conclude my analysis of the Disney film Pinocchio, which I conducted to illustrate how archetypal/mythological themes permeate popular culture.
1:44:25 2017 Personality Lecture 08: Carl Jung and the Lion King (Part 2) In this lecture, I finish my analysis of Disney's Lion King, which provides a dramatic representation of many of the archetypes identified and analyzed by Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, student of Nietzsche...
1:15:33 Social Justice/Freedom of Speech: Bill C16 Debate Queen's Law School On Jan 21st 2017 I was invited by the Runnymede Society, a law student group, to debate Bill C16, a Canadian Federal bill that adds gender identity and gender expression to the list of protected gr...
48:22 2017 Lecture 09 Personality: Freud and the Dynamic Unconscious In this lecture, 9th in the 2017 series, I discuss some of the essential of Sigmund Freud's theories, concentrating on his conceptualizations of the dynamic (living) unconscious.
2:18:33 2017 Personality Lecture 02/03: Historical & Mythological Context (enhanced audio) In this lecture, 02 and 03 combined, I provide some historical context for the understanding of personality, suggesting that the clinical theories, concerned with the transformation and improvement...
54:03 2017 Personality Lecture 07: Carl Jung and the Lion King (Part 1) In this lecture, I use Disney's Lion King to further illustrate the basic principles of the personality and clinical theories of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, student of Nietzsche and Freud, originator of ...
1:45:26 2017 Personality Lecture 06: Jean Piaget & Constructivism In this lecture, I talk about the great developmental psychologist Jean Piaget, who was interested, above all, in the way that knowledge is generated and transforms. His analysis of the development...
2:26:56 2017 Maps of Meaning Lecture 3: Marionettes and Individuals (Part 2) In this lecture, I continue with the analysis of the Disney film Pinocchio to illustrate the manner in which great mythological or archetypal themes inform and permeate both the creation and the un...
2:37:35 2017 Personality Lecture 04/05: Heroic and Shamanic Initiations In this lecture, 04 and 05 combined, I discuss the relationship between the initiatory structure characteristic of shamanism and the process of radical personality transformation, self- or therapy-...
2:23:34 2017 Maps of Meaning: Lecture 2: Marionettes & Individuals (Part 1). In this lecture, I begin using a particular piece of dramatic art -- the Disney film Pinocchio -- to provide a specific example of the manner in which great mythological or archetypal themes inform...
7:37 An open letter to Sam Harris Dr. Sam Harris and I recently had a discussion: https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/what-is-true. We hit an impasse over the definition of truth. I don't think we got to where we should have, an...
53:47 If you've found this video, go here: https://youtu.be/kYYJlNbV1OM I reposted this video with an updated intro here: https://youtu.be/kYYJlNbV1OM
2:18:30 If you've found this video, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=804&v=HbAZ6cFxCeY The audio on this version is not good. Go instead to https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=804&v=HbA.... Same lecture, much better audio.
2:31:27 2017 Maps of Meaning: Lecture 01: Context and Background In this lecture, I discuss the context within which the theory I am delineating through this course emerge: that of the cold war. What is belief? Why is it so important to people? Why will they fig...

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