

In and Around Combinatorics (The 18th Midrasha Mathematicae)

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source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies    2015年1月18日
The 18th Midrasha Mathematicae - In and Around Combinatorics

Irit Dinur - Direct Products of Games and Graphs I (Weizmann Institute of Science) 1:43:25
Peter Keevash (University of Oxford) The Existence of Designs I 1:33:09
David Steurer (Cornell University) Sum of Squares Method I 1:33:06
Nati Linial - A Combinatorial Perspective of Simplicial Complexes 1:29:28
Peter Keevash -(University of Oxford) -The Existence of Designs II 1:30:28
David Steurer (Cornell University) Sum of Squares Method II 1:33:07
Alexandru Nica -Combinatorial Aspects of Free Probability Theory 1:30:20
Alexandru Nica -) Combinatorial Aspects of Free Probability Theory II 1:32:04
Ehud Friedgut-Analysis of Boolean Functions on Graph Products, Dictatorships and Juntas I 57:57
Ehud Friedgut -Analysis of Boolean Functions on Graph Products, Dictatorships and Juntas II 57:53
David Steurer (Cornell University) Sum of Squares Method III 1:27:52
David Steurer (Cornell University) Sum of Squares Method IV 1:30:22
Peter Keevash (University of Oxford) The Existence of Designs III 1:26:33
Alexandru Nica - Combinatorial Aspects of Free Probability Theory III 1:31:45
Ron Peled -Probabilistic Existence of Regular Combinatorial Structures 1:00:52
Alexander Postnikov (MIT) The Combinatorics of the Grassmanian I 1:29:36
Peter Keevash (University of Oxford) The Existence of Designs IV 1:26:50
Alexander Postnikov (MIT) Combinatorics of the Grassmannian II 1:25:53
Alexandru Nica -Combinatorial Aspects of Free Probability Theory IV 1:33:59
Irit Dinur - Direct Products of Games and Graphs II 1:33:26
Alexander Postnikov (MIT) The Combinatorics of the Grassmanian III 1:31:38
Wojiech Samotij - The Kleitman - Winston Lemma: Counting Independent Sets in Graphs 1:19:25
Joel Hass - Knots - Definitions and Descriptions 1:29:01
Tamar Ziegler (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Narrow Progressions in Primes 1:00:03
Open Problem Session - Midrasha Mathematicae 1:22:10
Joel Hass -Classical Knot Invariants 1:30:18
Alexander Postnikov (MIT) The Combinatorics of the Grassmanian IV 1:37:45
Irit Dinur (Weizmann Institute of Science) Direct products of Games and Graphs III (audio only ) 58:53
Wojiech Samotij -The Hypergraph "Container" Theorems; Szemeredi's Theorem in Random Sets of Integers 1:22:52
Chaim Even-Zohar-Invariants of Random Knots and Links 1:04:17
Ben-Zion Shilo -Life's Blueprint: The Science and Art of Embryo Creation 1:10:51
Wojiech Samotij- Turan-Type Problems in G(n,p) and the Structure of a Typical H-free Graph II 1:25:21
Tahl Nowik --Finite type invariants of knots - 1:33:59
Wojiech Samoti- A Sketch of the Proof of the Hypergraph “Container” Theorems 1:18:18
Joel Hass University of California, Davis - Random Topics and Random Knots 1:22:20

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