

Hebrew U of Jerusalem (videos of the past month: 01/29-02/28/17)

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem
24:32 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - Jewish journeys : South Africa: Blacks, Jews & Whites Name:Jewish journeys : South Africa: Blacks, Jews & Whites
Year: 1986
Duration: 00:49:27
Language: English
Abstract: Examines the South African Jewish community.
The Spielberg Jewish Film Archiv...
14:40 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - HaArieh shel hatzionut Name: HaArieh shel hatzionut
Year: 1990
Duration: 00:13:00
Language: Hebrew and English
Abstract: Biography of the life of Arieh Dulzin from his birth in Russia through this work for the Jewish A...
44:45 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - And the redeemed shall be the redeemers Name: And the redeemed shall be the redeemers
Year: 1984
Duration: 00:21:30
Language: German
Abstract: The absorption of young Ethiopian immigrants who came on "Operation Moses".
The Spielb...
18:11 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - A message from Yitzchak Rabin prime Minister of Israel Name: A special message from Mr. Yitzchak Rabin prime Minister of Israel
Duration: 00:5:37
Language: English
Abstract: Yitzchak Rabin congraulates Keren HaYesod on 75 years of work.
The Spiel...
14:00 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - Brachot shalom M’Ethiopia Name: Brachot shalom M’Ethiopia
Year: 1992
Duration: 00:12:30
Language: Amha
26:44 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - Galil South Africa : today’s challenge tomorrow’s strength
Name: Galil South Africa : today’s challenge tomorrow’s strength
Year : 1986
Duration : 00:12:00
Language : English
Abstract : Galilee South Africa helps the mitzpeh (outpost) of Netofa
The Spielbe...
13:10 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - Projects
Name: Projects
Duration: 00:12:39
Language: English
Abstract: Abstract : Projects of Keren Hayesod, and how donors can make a difference 1:19 אינפוגרפיקה יום הסגל תשע"ז

0:35 החלטה רצינית – יום פתוח 2017
10:35 Tu B'Shevat Clip See Tu B'Shevat 1957 , Jerusalem in snow , opening of the First Knesset and more surprises
1:27:31 הרצאת בקנשטיין | מכון רקח לפיסיקה
1:23:12 אבני פינה: כל הביולוגיה על רגל אחת - שיעור מס' 12
1:15:49 אבני פינה: כל הביולוגיה על רגל אחת - שיעור מס' 11
1:30:57 Syrians Speak Syria | The Truman Institute
1:15:49 אבני פינה: כל הביולוגיה על רגל אחת - שיעור מס' 11

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