

HarvardEducation (videos: 02/01-02/28/17)

source: HarvardEducation
2:13 Practicing the Hard Stuff Thabiti Brown, Head of School at Boston’s Codman Academy, on how he and his staff use role-playing to prepare for episodes of bullying and other difficult classroom moments.
1:54 “Challenge Ideas, Not People” HGSE’s Richard Weissbourd on managing classroom conversations that navigate the colliding rights of free speech and freedom from discrimination.
1:02:43 PIER Public Seminar - Sean Reardon, Stanford Graduate School of Education The Harvard Graduate School of Education welcomes Sean Reardon, Professor of Poverty and Inequality in Education and Professor of Sociology at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, to lead thi...
1:28:25 Threads of Diversity with Rev. Jesse Jackson A discussion with the Rev. Jesse Jackson on the threads of diversity. Quilt making event to follow in the Gutman Conference Center.
2:34 Supporting Undocumented Students To build hope and chart a path to success, relationships are key, says Roberto Gonzales, who has spent years studying outcomes for these students. Produced for the One and All series by Usable Know...
2:24 “Your Values Must Be Crystal Clear” Deborah Jewell-Sherman provides a system leader’s views on ending bullying and harassment. Produced for the One and All series by Usable Knowledge.
1:53 “Before the Big Times Roll In” An English language arts teacher at the Springfield Renaissance School in Springfield, MA, describes how she builds trust with students, which helps later when she’s leading difficult conversations...
1:22:52 Askwith Forums – A Book, a Page, a World: The Artistic Journey of an Author and an Illustrator
Lesa Cline-Ransome, author
James Ransome, illustrator
Pamela A. Mason, Ed.D.’75, senior lecturer on education and faculty director, Language and Literacy Program, HGSE
1:31:45 Askwith Forums - Driving Change: Challenges Superintendents Face in Urban Schools 
Tom Boasberg, superintendent, Denver Public Schools
Tommy Chang, superintendent, Boston Public Schools
Kaya Henderson, former chancellor, District of Columbia Public Schools
Moderator: A...
1:35 Supporting English-Language Learners: Asil Yassine
1:02:43 PIER Public Seminar - James Kemple, NYU Steinhardt The Harvard Graduate School of Education welcomes James Kemple, Research Professor at NYU Steinhardt, to lead this PIER Public Seminar
2:32 Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot: A Daughter's Portrait 

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