

GreshamCollege (videos of the past month: 02/01-02/28/17)

source: GreshamCollege
56:12 Respecting and Transcending Nature - Professor Alister McGrath One of the most distinctive characteristics of human beings is their capacity to alter their environments through technology. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/respecting-......
45:22 The Christian Singer: Charlemagne and Beyond - Professor Christopher Page In the year 754 the first pope ever to cross the Alps came to a small chapel in what is now northern France and prostrated himself before the king of the Franks, beseeching him for military aid. Th...
46:59 Crime and Punishment: When Legal Worlds Collide - Ruth Kirby This lecture will explore and explain the difference in outcomes between cases in Crime and Care, considering the framework of Beyond reasonable doubt versus the balance of probabilities and the co...
43:16 Affairs of the Heart: An Exploration of the Symbolism of the Heart in Art - Professor Martin Elliott A celebration of the heart for St Valentines Day. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/affairs-of-...
How is it that a simple pu...
57:15 Under the Sea: What's Happening in Our Oceans - Professor Carolyn Roberts Oceans have been the least well-known major component of the Earths environment. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/under-the-s...
Whilst deep ocean explora...
2:12 The movement of ponytails, ships and the Millennium Bridge - Professor Raymond E. Goldstein A question from the lecture 'Leonardo, Rapunzel and the Mathematics of Hair' by Professor Raymond E. Goldstein https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/leonardo-ra......
47:53 Should We Trust a Theory? - Professor Joseph Silk FRS Can a scientific theory ever be confirmed? https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/should-we-t...
Must a scientific theory be falsifiable? These are deep questions that have fasci...
53:40 From Test-Tube to YouTube - Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff  This lecture explains how my participation in making some videos for the University of Nottinghams test-tube YouTube channel led to collaboration with the video-journalist Brady Haran, and the crea...
59:41 How Much Mathematics Can You Eat? - Professor Chris Budd OBE We all eat and have an interest in food! https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/how-much-ma...
Indeed food and beverage processing is the worlds largest manufacturing industry w...
35:58 Apprenticeship: Politics, Education, or Reality Television? - Dr Andrew Parmley International competition drives schools and universities around the world as never before, and an increasingly complex world places more demands for evidence of qualifications and standards.
51:15 The Dilemmas of Privacy and Surveillance - Professor Martyn Thomas CBE In the battle between the spooks and the geeks, who will win? And who should win? https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/the-dilemma...
Cyberspace must not be an u...
49:36 The History of Local Anaesthesia - Dr William Harrop-Griffiths Most equate anaesthesia with general anaesthesia. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/the-history...
This is likely because the introduction of general anaesthesia (18...
46:00 Macroeconomics, Capitalism and Inequality - Professor Jagjit Chadha Rapid economic growth in the emerging worlds has taken many families out of poverty but has placed downward pressure of manufacturing wages in the advanced world. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures...
54:49 The Right Stuff: How Do We Make Moral Choices? - Professor Gwen Adshead In this lecture, I will present and review developments in moral psychology over the last two decades. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/the-right-s... Sp...
54:46 Perfection or Pastiche? New Buildings in Old Places - Professor Simon Thurley CBE Can we reconcile old and new in our historic cities? https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/perfection-...
The blight of the concrete municipal buildings...
2:10 Did the SS Great Eastern ever sail to Australia? - Elliott Wragg
A question from the lecture 'From Sail to Steam: London's Role in a Shipbuilding Revolution' by Elliott Wragg https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/did-the-ss-great-eastern-...
The t...
2:21 When did they really start trusting steam and get rid of the masts? - Elliott Wragg A question from the lecture 'From Sail to Steam: London's Role in a Shipbuilding Revolution' by Elliott Wragg https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/when-did-they-really-star......
56:51 Cheats, Liars and Fornicators: The Hidden Face of Mother Nature - Professor Steve Jones Many creatures manipulate their fellows, their partners, their enemies and even their friends in an attempt to gain advantage for themselves. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/cheats-li...
1:41 When did the Royal dockyards come into being? - Elliott Wragg A question from the lecture 'From Sail to Steam: London's Role in a Shipbuilding Revolution' by Elliott Wragg https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/when-did-the-royal-dockya...
The tran...
1:37 What part did commercial companies play in stimulating engineering design? - Elliott Wragg A question from the lecture 'From Sail to Steam: London's Role in a Shipbuilding Revolution' by Elliott Wragg https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/what-part-did-the-commerc......
54:47 America's Advents - Professor Alec Ryrie The United States in the early nineteenth century was one of Christian history's great moments of sectarian creativity. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/americas-ad...
The religiou...
56:13 Shakespeare's Sonnets and the Use of Personification - Professor Belinda Jack 'When well-appareled April on the heel/ Of limping winter treads'. A calendar month cannot dress, nor can a season walk. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/shakespeare......
1:51 The role of literary creative writing in exploring religious issues - Lord Richard Harries A question from the lecture 'The Beauty and the Horror: Searching for God in a Suffering World' by Lord Richard Harries and Professor Alister McGrath https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/the-role-of-lit...
3:05 Is religion an extension of psychology? - Lord Richard Harries and Professor Alister McGrath A question from the lecture 'The Beauty and the Horror: Searching for God in a Suffering World' by Lord Richard Harries and Professor Alister McGrath https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/is-religion-an-...
53:38 Is Reality Limited to What Science Can Uncover? - Professor Alister McGrath Is science complete in itself, or does it act as a pointer or signpost to matters beyond its boundaries?

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