

Ethics at the Edge of Life with Scott Rae & Scott Klusendorf at Biola University

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source: BiolaUniversity    2010年11月3日
"Ethics at the Edge of Life: Clear Christian Thinking on the Most Troubling Bio-Ethical Issues"

Advances in medical procedures, technologies, and drugs have made issues of life and death more and more complicated. As Christians, because we care deeply about life and death issues, we are often tagged as people who are standing against progress and the relief of suffering. Hence, we need help from experts to understand what is really going on in modern medicine and how to make a persuasive case in the public square for the Biblical views. Christian experts on bioethics, Dr. Scott Rae and Scott Klusendorf, help us understand and defend the biblical position on the most difficult subjects: abortion, euthanasia, reproductive technology, and more.

1. Beginning of Life Issues 53:44
2. Medical Technology in Theological Perspective, Part 1 30:36
3. Medical Technology in Theological Perspective, Part 2 47:52
4. Medical Technology in Theological Perspective, Part 3 50:49
5. What is the Issue? 52:22
6. What is the Unborn? 1:07:54
7. What Makes Humans Valuable, Part 1: Substance View of Human Persons 52:05
8. What Makes Humans Valuable, Part 2: The Religion Objection 14:58
9. Death, Dying, and Assisted Suicide, Part 1 1:08:47
10. Death, Dying, and Assisted Suicide, Part 2 1:27:33
11. Who Makes the Rules? Abortion: Law, Metaphysics, and Moral Neutrality 38:07
12. What is My Duty? Bodily Autonomy Arguments of Thomson, McDonagh, and Boonin 54:04
13. Catholic Social Justice Teaching, and other Common Objections 46:08
14. Equipping Yourself to Engage in Your Church 12:05

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