

ETH Zürich (videos of February 2017)

source: ETH Zürich
3:02 ETH-Wissenschaftler unter Tage Das Schweizer Kompetenzzentrum für Energieforschung – Strombereitstellung (SCCER-SoE) geht in einem weltweit einzigartigen Experiment der Frage nach, wie die für ein funktionierendes Geothermieproj...
6:14 Sand: An (In)Finite Resource? ETH Zurich's second summer school in the programme "Engineering for Development (E4D) - Science & Technology for the South" revolved around the depleting resource sand and the question of how to de...
5:11 ETH researchers with drone in Greenland Glaciologists from ETH Zurich use drones to monitor and model the detachment of icebergs from the Bowdoin Glacier in Northwest Greenland. Film by: Guillaume Jouvet

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